Some Pipeline Actions and Prayer Camps, listed by state:
ARIZONA- Protect Oak Flat -SAVE OAK FLAT! AT THE SAN CARLOS APACHE INDIAN RESERVATION From the Website: “The Southeast Arizona land exchange was one of the bills that was attached to the National Defense Authorization Act and passed by the U.S. House and the Senate…the bill gives land at Apache Leap and Oak Flat in southeastern Arizona to a foreign Mining Company, Resolution Copper without any environmental impact studies or without consultation with San Carlos Apache and Tribes that consider the area sacred… Now this bill has been snuck in a land package that has been added to the National Defense authorization Act that must be signed by Obama to fund the U.S. Military. The San Carlos Apache tribe has worked tirelessly to avoid this from happening. “ Links:
ARKANSAS - Diamond Pipeline Resistance -Diamond pipeline – Oklahoma (see below under state name) - Arkansas - Tennessee Arkansas Rising is a collective of guardians working through direct action to stop the Diamond pipeline, a 20-inch diameter pipeline that would run 440 miles from Cushing, Oklahoma, to Memphis, Tennessee. The pipeline would cross more than 500 waterways, including five major watersheds. Construction has already begun. Donate to their efforts here. From the FB Page: “The U.S. Corps of Engineers Office in Little Rock has approved plans for Diamond Pipeline to cross rivers and watersheds in the state, which essentially green lighted the project even ahead of a hearing by the Arkansas Public Service Commission…. According to Arkansas Public Service Commission Executive Director John Bethel, the Commission’s authority concerning the project is limited to approval of how Diamond Pipeline will construct and operate “navigable water crossings” over five critical state water sources along the route of the pipeline. In the PSC docket 16-038-U, pipeline owners seek approval to construct the pipeline across the Arkansas River in Franklin County; the Illinois Bayou in Pope County; the White River in Prairie County; the Saint Francis River in Arkansas County; and the Mississippi River in Crittenden County.”Links:
FLORIDA - Sacred Water Camp - Stop Sabal Trail Pipeline – Alabama - Georgia - Florida : Water Educational & Informational Center Live Feeds: Stop Sabal Trail PipelineThe Sabal Trail pipeline, a 515-mile natural gas pipeline project, is being constructed from Alabama to Georgia to Florida. It threatens one of the largest freshwater aquifers in the world. The Sacred Water Camp and Water Is Life Camp are ongoing camps in need of supplies, experienced organizers, and other people. An upcoming mass civil disobedience event is inviting all to mobilize in Florida. Get in touch here or donate to support the camps. Also support the organizing efforts of the SPIRET Foundation and Bobby C. Billie, one of the clan leaders and spiritual leader of the Council of the Original Miccosukee Simanolee Nation Aboriginal Peoples, in their efforts to hold regulatory agencies accountable for support of the pipeline. Contact organizers Shannon Larsen or email Beth Huss. Keep up to date with events with all groups statewide at the Water Protector Alliance calendar. From the FB Page: “In the Southeast, Spectra’s #SabalTrail, a 515 mile natural gas pipeline (METHANE) is being laid from Alabama, through SW Georgia and intersects the state of Florida. This system will include staging areas and compressor stations and methane facilities. By SPECTRA and this company's bad safety record, this pipeline will be transporting fracked gas in high pressure pipelines (recently on the news for spontaneous explosions in AL). The endangerment to waterways, rivers, springs, lakes is imminent and indigenous burial sites are being disturbed. People's property has been stolen via eminent domain with over 160 lawsuits. THIS PROJECT HAS ALREADY BEEN APPROVED. Products are for export.” Links:
2/28/17 Sometimes I sit here and ponder and wonder and my mind goes into a million thoughts questions and answers darkness and the light what is it gonna take to change this way of living with culture being desecrated destroyed buried with no markings of existence!!!!! Soon this country will be on a brink of revolution!!! They the people will finally stand up and and fight back with knowledge and understanding. You see our knowledge is the 🔑 to our eternal victory for generations to come. This the government will soon see they messed with the wrong people!!! Water Protectors United world wide. Shiye Bidziil James Leroy Marker shot and killed by police after shooting at the Sabal Trail Pipeline. The Daily Haze 3/1/17 Sabal Trail Pipeline prevents Native American Funeral Ceremony. WUFT / SSC
MARYLAND - Stop Cove Point From the Chesapeake Climate Action Network Website: "The natural gas industry is proposing a dangerous and costly detour from our region’s clean energy future: They want to build a web of fracking wells, pipelines, and processing facilities across our region in order to liquefy fracked natural gas and export it to overseas markets in Asia. The development of Cove Point, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility located right on the Chesapeake Bay in Southern Maryland, is a linchpin in this plan. Dominion’s Cove Point facility is the first LNG export terminal slated for the East Coast. It would drive demand for a surge of new hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” for gas in our region and require an expanding network of new fossil fuel infrastructure. While the gas industry would profit, we would pay the price of scarred landscapes, polluted air and waterways, livelihoods at risk, and worsened climate change." Links:
MICHIGAN - Nexus-Pipeline From the FB Page: “Overview of NEXUS Pipeline Project - NEXUS Gas Transmission, LLC has proposed construction of a natural gas pipeline to deliver gas from the Marcellus and Utica shale fields to markets in the Upper U.S. and Ontario, Canada. New construction for this pipeline would begin in Kensington, OH and end near Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, MI where it would tap into existing pipeline. (Click on picture at top of page to see route.) The current scope for this project includes approximately 250 miles of up 36 inch diameter greenfield pipeline with 4 new compressor stations and 4 new meter and regulation stations. It is designed to deliver 1.2 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas beginning in November of 2017.” Links:
3/13/17 Listening in on the Michigan Pipeline 5 Safety Advisory Board meeting. Typical sidestepping and bias for the oil industry/Enbridge by our government. Water Protectors packed this meeting. We need to start hitting this issue with all we have. We are here and we will only be getting bigger and louder. MI government - you've been served notice. Holly T Bird
MINNESOTA - Line 3 pipeline – Alberta, Canada to Superior, WisconsinCanada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently announced the government's approval of the massive Line 3 pipeline project, designed to transport tar sands oil from the mines of Hardisty, Alberta, to Superior, Wisconsin, through the heart of Anishinaabe territory and some of the most beautiful lakes and wild rice beds in the world. The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs is challenging the Trudeau government's approval of Line 3. Follow and support Honor the Earth’s work, learn about ongoing resistance to Line 3, and follow community members’ opposition to the pipeline here. 7/3/16 What is Line 3? WInona LaDuke 2:46 12/29/16 Wells Fargo in Minneapolis shut down in protest - LRI 4:46
MONTANA - Buffalo Field CampaignFrom the website: "The Buffalo Field Campaign's mission is to, "stop the harassment and slaughter of Yellowstone’s wild buffalo herds; protect the natural habitat of wild, free-roaming buffalo and other native wildlife; and work with all people—especially Indigenous Nations—to honor and protect the sacredness of the wild buffalo." "The buffalo [more properly, bison] of Yellowstone National Park are members of the only continuously wild, free-roaming, genetically intact population in the United States. These animals are being unnecessarily rounded up and slaughtered—at taxpayer expense—due to exaggerated concerns about disease risks to a handful of cows." "Although bison are extremely rare, are designated Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List, are a species of national interest, are the subject of great controversy, and are clearly impacted by agency actions such as the issuance of livestock grazing permits and other activities in bison habitat, the US Forest Service does not consider bison to be a sensitive species or a species of conservation concern." Links:
MONTANA - Protect Powder River Basin From the Website: "At the same time as the president is taking positive steps to curb climate change, the federal Bureau of Land Management is making available billions of tons of fossil fuels on our public lands. The BLM’s recently approved resource management plans and environmental impact statements in Wyoming and Montana exemplify this disconnect to the extreme. The BLM’s Miles City (Montana) and Buffalo (Wyoming) RMPs keep open more than 10 million acres for coal leasing, on which the agency projects about 11 billion tons of coal would be developed. The plan also authorizes millions of acres for oil and gas leasing, with BLM projecting that 18,000 wells will be drilled. While BLM is required to offer alternatives to this coal development, the Miles City RMP’s five options are all identical with respect to coal and the Buffalo RMP involves only cosmetic differences with respect to coal." Links:
NEW MEXICO - Chaco Canyon From the Website: "The Bureau of Land Management is in the process of updating their Resource Management Plan (RMP) to finally evaluate the impact of fracking in the Mancos Shale, one of the primary industry targets in the Greater Chaco area. No full-scale field development is allowed without such analysis, but industry is drilling anyway. We’re fighting every well, and working to ensure the RMP Amendment prioritizes forgotten environmental and cultural resources." Links:
NEW YORK, NEW ENGLAND - Algonquin - Spectra AIM - AIM Spectra Pipeline From the Website: “Spectra Energy’s proposed AIM pipeline (also known as the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion) is a 42 inch-diameter, high pressure pipeline that would run under the Hudson River from Rockland County, NY, to Westchester County, NY. The AIM pipeline would run within 100 feet of Indian Point nuclear power facilities. To put that in perspective, regulators in New Mexico have in some cases mandated that pipeline projects stay outside of a mile radius of any nuclear facilities.” Links:
9/12/6 A Pipeline By A Different Name - Articulate Ink - Christine Macpherson 12/9/16 Breaking: Lockdown at Spectra AIM Construction site at Hudson River Crossing. Six activists have locked themselves to equipment at the construction site where the Spectra AIM pipeline crosses the Hudson River. 12/9/16 Protesters arrested at pipeline construction site. Two protesters were arrested on Thursday after they entered Spectra Energy's Algonquin pipeline site, allegedly hindering workers from making headway on the conroversial project. - Westchester news12 12/9/16 Resist Spectra Update on 12 Arrested #WaterProtectors!Dave Dorfman, our attorney, met with Judge McCarthy in the wee hours, and got the DA to reduce bail from $50,000 to $5,000 for 11 of them and 1500 for one of them. They have been sent to Valhalla Correctional facility at 10 Woods Rd. In Valhalla, NY The 11 are from out of state from Mississippi Stand who bravely fought the #DAPL pipeline at the #DesMoines River. And the 1 in state is a dear friend of the #ResistSpectra family. Which means they can get out on a 500 bond w collateral possibly. But we cannot pay a bond until court opens at 9am. The team is looking for bailbonds person now. If anyone can donate to the 11 from Mississippi Stand, please donate here, we need $5,500 for their bonds :::…/…/mississippistand If anyone can donate to the 1 from ResistSpectra, we need $150 for his bond::: Or contact us directly to help w cash in the morning at [email protected] *If anyone can put up collateral, please contact [email protected] by 8am 12/10/16 All 12 arrestees are officially OUT of the prison system and into warm beds and loving arms of the water protector system. We can build a whole new world. We did it in the past 35 hours. Show up for COURT for these amazing arrestees Monday morn at 9am 1 Heady St. Cortlandt Manor, NY - Resist Spectra
NEW YORK , NEW JERSEY - Pilgrim pipeline The Ramapough Lunaape Nation, a community in the Ramapo Mountains currently face the threat of the Pilgrim pipeline, which would transport Bakken crude oil from Albany, New York, to Linden, New Jersey. Meanwhile, Spectra Energy continues to expand its pipeline network so that more fracked natural gas can be transported and ultimately exported out of the country. Read about the history of the Ramapough Lunaape here, follow the developments at Split Rock Prayer Camp, and listen to Chief Dwaine Perry . From the Website: "Pilgrim Pipeline Holdings has proposed building two parallel pipelines connecting oil terminals in Albany, New York to a refinery in Linden, New Jersey. Bakken shale oil would be sent south; refined products (including kerosene) would be sent north. Their proposed route crosses 5 counties and 30 municipalities in NJ and 5 counties and 25 municipalities in NY...The proposed pipeline route travels through densely populated residential areas, near schools, hospitals and businesses, and would cut through environmentally sensitive and protected areas, including the Highlands region in NJ, which provides drinking water to more than 4.5 million people in NJ. Pilgrim’s proposal cuts across 3 major drinking water rivers, numerous smaller streams and two EPA designated sole source aquifers (the Ramapo Aquifer and the Buried Valley Aquifer) in New Jersey. In New York it crosses 232 regulated streams. A major pipeline spill could contaminate the drinking water for the several million people and dozens of municipalities who rely on these irreplaceable water sources." Split Rock Sweetwater Prayer Camp Links: * Coalition Against Pilgrim Pipeline (CAPP) * NY Petition * NJ Petition *Ares Managment: Defund Petition
NEW YORK ALSO: We Are Seneca Lake From the Website: "[Crestwood Equity Partner's] intention is to repurpose the crumbling salt mines underneath Seneca Lake’s hillside into massive, unlined gas tanks for three highly pressurized products of fracking: methane (natural gas), and propane and butane (LPG, or Liquefied Petroleum Gases) and to turn the Finger Lakes into a fracked gas transportation and storage hub for the entire Northeast.The LPG part of the storage proposal, not yet approved, lies in the hands of New York Governor Cuomo’s Department of Environmental Conservation." Links:
OKLAHOMA's Diamond Pipeline Resistance: Oka Lawa Camp - @OkaLawaCamp OKLAHOMA - Plains All-American Red River Pipeline From the Bold Oklahoma Website: “The Plains All American Red River Pipeline project would be a 16-inch pipeline running 350 miles from Cushing, OK to Longview, TX, and would pump 110,000 barrels of crude oil per day to Gulf Coast refineries where it would then be turned into fuel and other petroleum-based products, and potentially exported to foreign markets. The Red River pipeline threatens land and water for both Tribal Nations and neighboring ranches and farming communities, who have been sued by the company using eminent domain for private gain and seizure of their land for the pipeline. (1)” Links:
PENNSYLVANIA - Atlantic Sunrise pipeline and Sunoco Mariner East 2 pipeline The Lancaster Stand Camp: The Atlantic Sunrise pipeline is a proposed high-pressure 42-inch diameter pipeline to carry fracked gas from Marcellus Shale to U.S. markets to the south. Members of Lancaster Against Pipelines and supporters have built a blockade, nicknamed “The Stand,” on a farm in Conestoga in Lancaster County in the path of a proposed route. They are refusing to grant right of way to the project and have said they will occupy it if construction begins. Visit the Clean Air Council for more information, find the schedule for public input here, and keep an eye out for an upcoming mobilization at Pennsylvania Against Atlantic Sunrise. The Sunoco Mariner East pipeline is a proposed natural gas liquid pipeline that would cross four states. The construction permits for the pipeline could be granted any day. Stay updated at Juniata Watershed People Before Pipelines. Energy Transfer Partners and Sunoco Logistics are parent corporations of the Dakota Access pipeline and will be merging in the first quarter of 2017. 12/5/17 The group Philly with Standing Rock - Sioux Defenders #NoDAPL met for Defund DAPL rally outside the Wells Fargo at 123 South Broad Street - Rob Wilson Photography 2/27/17 Is Pa. pipeline fight on Amish farm the next Standing Rock? 'We're prepared to be here for months' - Penn Live 2/28/17 Pipeline Resistance Week of Action, Match 15-21 ., possibly thousands, of miles of pipelines are being laid across Pennsylvania despite the objections of residents and landowners. From the Mariner East to the Atlantic Sunrise, resistance is growing in many communities! Resist Sunoco PA 3/11/17 Live from The Stand camp in Lancaster, PA with water protector Chelsea Lyons Kent. Didi Banerji 11:03 3/24/17 Welcome to the Stand: Digital Smoke Signals had the opportunity to stop by and support The Lancaster Stand camp on March 20th through Indigenous Eyes. We interviewed a lot of the protectors at camp, thank you all for your time and sharing your stories. We look forward to returning to the land as allies to support the camp once peaceful actions begin. If you have time to come down for a weekend to get to know the relatives there and what they stand for, do it. Check in to see how you can support them. They are in the early stages of building but this fight has been going on for 3 years. - DSS 4:25
TEXAS - Trans Pecos - Energy Transfer Partners - Big Bend Trans-Pecos pipeline and Comanche Trail pipeline – Texas - Chihuahua, Mexico In May 2016, the Obama administration approved two pipeline projects by Energy Transfer Partners, the same company behind DAPL. The Trans-Pecos and Comanche Trail pipelines would carry fracked gas from Texas into Mexico, where it will supply the Mexican energy grid. The Two Rivers camp is a resistance camp being erected in the face of the Trans-Pecos pipeline. Support their legal defense fund and camp fundraiser. Or support the efforts of No Trans Pecos Pipeline, the Big Bend Conservation Alliance, and the Frontera Water Protection Alliance as they organize against these pipelines. Two Rivers Camp - Stop Trans Pecos Pipeline From the FB Page: “A massive pipeline is slated to run through the Big Bend to supply natural gas to Mexico as part of their energy reform. It is one of two large pipelines to extend from a hub near Coyanosa to the Mexican border intended to fuel power plants and industrial factories. While Mexico’s desire for cheap natural gas is understandable, the Big Bend Conservation Alliance feels this is incompatible with the traditional values of the region and disregards the incredible significance of the Big Bend’s natural and cultural resources. The proposed pipeline threatens not only the quality of life of its citizens but also the region’s uniqueness and the nature and heritage tourism that are central to the Big Bend economy.” Links:
2/9/17 Second Trans Pecos Pipeline lockdown, January 2017,Texas. Frank Finan 2 videos 1:10 and 1:15 2/19/17 Two Rivers Camp Action this morning shut down Pumpco yard that supplies multiple Trans Pecos Pipelune sites. We just had 7 water protectors at this mornings action arrested , we are on the way to the police station to try and get our protectors bailed out so please donate what you can so we can get them out. Two Rivers Camp - Stop Trans Pecos Pipeline 7:33 2/19/17 Lockdowns happening to stop Trans Pecos! At gate #2 with Dakota locked down at the main supply construction yard. Shutting down Trans Pecos#3. Charges trespassing, false imprisonment. Going to Brewster County Jail. Josh Michener 49:46 2/19/17 All power to the water protectors. From the blockade of the trans-pecos pipeline in Alpine, TX. One of the three entrances to Energy Transfer Partner's pipeline yard that was shut down in Texas this morning to stop construction of the Trans-Pecos Pipeline. - ATXEJ - Austin Environmental Justice Team 1:25
UTAH - Bears Ears From the website: “Right now, a movement is seeking to make 1.9 million acres of land a National Monument. This monument will:
Limit local input and replace it with paid tribal members; most of whom live several hours away from the Monument. (Day-to-day policy would be set be the same persons who live far away. )
Increase tourist visitation and careless desecration of sacred ruins.
Evolve to eventually restrict the gathering of food, hunting, and woodcutting. “Concession promises” for monuments are often made to locals to get them to accept, but in almost every instance, the plan changes over time and eventually the local people are forgotten. Canyon de Chelly is a nearby example of this evolution.”
Atlantic Coast Pipeline From the CCAN "No New Pipelines" Website: "EQT and NextEra are proposing to build the 301-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline from the shale fields of West Virginia through southwest Virginia. Dominion Resources is proposing to build the 600-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline from those same shale fields, through central Virginia, to North Carolina. These are just two of four major pipeline projects being proposed for Virginia, and 19 across the Appalachian Basin. Despite significant opposition, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the first of the proposed pipelines: the Mountain Valley Pipeline. The DEIS for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is expected in December 2016." Links:
Mountain Valley Pipeline From the Preserve Craig Website: "As proposed, the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project is a natural gas pipeline system that spans approximately 300 miles from northwestern West Virginia to southern Virginia – and as an interstate pipeline will be regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The MVP will be constructed and owned by Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC, which is a joint venture of EQT Midstream Partners, LP and NextEra US Gas Assets, LLC. EQT Midstream Partners will operate the pipeline and own a majority interest in the joint venture." Links:
WISCONSIN - Back40 MineInfo: The Menominee Tribe in Keshena, WI is currently fighting to prevent an open pit sulfide mine from being established upstream from one of their most sacred sites; the mouth of the Menominee River. This is the birthplace of the Menominee people, and also where they have just recently have been able to seed wild rice, a major staple and traditional food source, for the first time in hundreds of years. This mine would also threaten the environment and wildlife in the surrounding area. Links:
AUSTRALIA - Northern Gas PipelineFrom 1 Million Women Blog: “This is a 622km high-pressure underground pipeline that will connect gas fields in the Northern Territory with customers in the Eastern Gas Market. The NGP will run between Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory and Mt Isa in Queensland. The construction of the NGP is expected to commence in early 2017 and be completed by 2018…Back in July of this year Northern Territory Traditional Owners, whose land is being targeted for the proposed gas pipeline, walked out of a joint Central and Northern Land Council meeting. The Wakaya Traditional Aboriginal Owners say that authorities are unconcerned about the potential damage to the environment and sacred sites. They are anxious about the impacts of fracking gas fields and disdainful about the threats this has on their land, water and livelihoods. The Wakaya Traditional Owners are unanimous in their decision to oppose the NGP.” Links:
Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline – Alberta to British Columbia, Canada The expansion of Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline, also approved by Canada’s federal government, would transport tar sands oil from northern Alberta to the British Columbia coast. The Sacred Trust is an initiative of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation and a mandate to stop this project. You can donate here through RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs) or Join their mailing list to follow this campaign and receive updates.From the website: “[This] new pipeline [proposed by Kinder Morgan] will carry toxic diluted bitumen from the Alberta Tar Sands to an expanded Westridge Terminal in Burnaby, directly across from Cates Park. Tanker traffic through Burrard Inlet will increase from 60 tankers a year to over 400, significantly increasing noise, light, and air pollution from tankers and the day-to-day operation of the terminal, but most importantly, creating a real risk – over 8% in ten years – of a serious spill.” Links:
BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA - Petronas/Pacific Northwest Terminal – Prince Rupert, British ColumbiaThe Petronas/Pacific Northwest Terminal is a proposed liquefied natural gas plant on traditional Lax Kw'alaams territory Lax U'u'la (Lelu Island) at the mouth of the Skeena river near Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Plans call for a 48-inch diameter submarine pipeline to be dredged into estuary sediment to supply fracked gas from Treaty 8 territory. Ten Indigenous nations and 60,000 people in the Skeena watershed rely on fish there for food, commercial fishing, and cultural identity. The Lelu Island Camp has been set up on Lax Kw'alaams traditional territory to stop this terminal from being built without consent. Stop Pacific NorthWest LNG/Petronas on Lelu Island
BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA: UNIS’TOT’EN CAMP9/25/16 Kanahus Manuel speaks on the shores of the Cannonball River - need more supporters on all frontlines 2:24 She speaks of the struggles on the frontlines in BC, Canada 3/24/17 Live at voices from the sacred fire. - Voices from the Sacred Fire: Indigenous Land Defenders Speak ~~~ With Freda Huson (Unist’ot’en) ~~~ Ladonna Brave Bull Allard (Standing Rock Sioux) ~~~ Richard Wright (Madii Lii) ~~~ Brandon Gabriel (Kwantlen)~~~Kachina Bige (Lutsel'ke Dené) ~~~~ Sakej Ward (Mi’kmaw) ~~~ Kanahus Pelkey (Secwepemc) - Unis'tot'en Camp 1:52;:37
MUSKRAT, NEW FOUNDLING & LABRADOR (Dam Site) - CANADA 10/19/16 The youth lead us forward in the fight to protect our waters! Solidarity with our Innu relatives! Here's 13-yearold Allyson Gear stopping a busload of construction workers at the dam site with her drum dancing. Allyson, you are officially my hero - Ossie Michelin Goose Bay, NL Canada 10/22/16 Water is life! We all must stand up!About 50 protesters entered the central Labrador site on Saturday and occupied an accommodation complex, prompting the company to remove about 700 workers from the grounds. The protectors have drawn support from across the province and country in recent days over concerns about methylmercury contamination that will occur when a 41-square-kilometre area is flooded behind the hydroelectric dam. The project is upstream from 2,000 Inuit and other residents in the Lake Melville region. One Inuk artist who has stopped eating to protest the project has said he’s prepared to die for his cause. We hold Muskrat Falls
Copper One Rivière Doré Mine – Quebec, Canada The Algonquins of Barriere Lake have set-up a land protection camp at a proposed mining site in the heart of their territory, where core sample drilling for the Rivière Doré copper mine is scheduled to begin at any time. They have been camped for weeks to protect the headwaters of the Ottawa River, which could have catastrophic downstream effects if mined. The staked area is abundant with lakes, wetlands, and waterways and is also a crucial hunting and fishing area for Barriere Lake families. See their urgent call to action here and donate to the campaign or get involved here.
MEXICO - Stand with the Yaqui Against Agua Prieta Pipeline From the website: "According to design specs, the Agua Prieta pipeline project would begin in Arizona, in the United States, and lead all the way to Sonora, Mexico. Along the way, the pipeline would cross 90 kilometers of Yaqui territory, which is protected by Mexican law. Building the pipeline without consultations that are deemed to be fair, transparent, and inclusive for all of the Yaqui communities would be a violation of the sovereignty of Yaqui land, community leaders say..Recently, members of the Yaqui tribe in Loma de Bácum won a moratorium against the construction of the pipeline. According to local media, however, Mexican authorities have announced that pipeline construction will continue because “one community” cannot stop “a project that will benefit future generations" Links:
Arizona 10/26/16 Protecting Sacred Land "What's at stake here? Man, it's the future." It's not just--In Arizona, Apache land protectors are fighting to stop a mining company from making a giant crater of their sacred land. Our territories have been under attack since the first settlements, and now they come in the form of foreign corporations. We must stand together and support all indigenous movements across the globe. This is our time to protect. - Fusion 1:43min 6:45am