NoDAPL Facebook Posts of Water Protectors from the Standing Rock Camps by Cannonball, N.D. (Call: POTUS-202-456-1111 USACE-202-761-5903 ND Gov.-701-328-2200 Morton Co.-701-667-3330)
3) Compassion: We are expected to look after each other and to ensure safety, both as individuals and as a camp, now more than ever. If you see someone that needs something, help them. We are accountable for the things we do, and for the things we don't do. Caring & Compassion are Lakota Values. Today we're focused on new beginnings, based on 7 Lakota Values. Here they are reframed to fit the current state of camp, a winter camp. Oceti Sakowin is populated by strong remaining warriors, prayerful ones.
1/7/16 Youwanca - "bringing -it- together" - "To begin, 3 poles are used to anchor the structure and represents the past, present and future of life. Another 7 poles are then placed around these 3 main anchors in a clockwise position. Each of these poles have specific meanings; such as the Seven Brothers or the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper constellation. In other words, the 7 sites that the Lakota see as sacred; the Seven Sacred Sites." Much has gone into Oceti Sakowin Camp, many prayers, a lot of solid work, and support. We thank you Water Protectors.
9/7/16 Lynette Two Bulls - "History if forgotten will repeat itself. This movement is bigger than any one person, one group or one nation. It is a time for Indigenous Peoples, as caretakers of Mother Earth to stand up; to let our voice be heard; to reconnect to our life-ways; to live a life worthy of our ancestors sacrifice; to focus on our strengths and resilience; to come together in our commonalities with the people of the world. We all walk on Mother Earth, breathe the same air, and we all need water for life. Let us not just focus on our external voice and actions, but focus on internal reconnection and wellness. We can create a shift in consciousness, and create social change. We are doing it now!" - w/ quote in photo by Chief Phillip Whiteman Jr.
9/8/16 Jon Eagle Sr. Today is a good day. As I sit here this morning I keep reflecting back to when the Hunkpapa first gathered to pray, to ask for good direction, strength and protection to defend our land and water, we had no idea how powerful that prayer was going to become. That prayer went all the way around the world and has now united over 200 tribes. People from many nations and walks of life have also come and are still coming. When the council lodge was set up and we gathered to listen to our elders we said, It's been 140 years since the Oceti Sakonwin stood together. Today we say, this has never happened before, no one has ever seen a gathering like this on this continent. Something beautiful and powerful is happening. Now is the time to unite and as indigenous people bring climate change to the forefront again. There are alternatives to fossil fuel but there is no alternative to water. Stand with strong hearts. #OneHeart#OneMind#ThePeopleWillBeOne
9/8/16 Steven J. Sitting Bear Warriors follow their Chief. We're all together today for the first time in history because of man who took a stance of peace and prayer for all peoples future generations. I am proud to call him my brother. It is the most beautiful sight we'll see in our lifetimes. Historical enemies standing together for the first time in centuries. What happened on Saturday was the enemies attempt to break our unified front. To enrage and incite violence & turn a peaceful movement on itself. If we resort to their tactics, all we have accomplished will be lost. We are not at this place for ourselves. I ask everyone to trust in my brothers leadership. We will win. Aho
9/15/16 LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard shares gratitude-Hihanna waste starting the day, with prayer as i watch people come to pray and bring their water to our home and each day i am humbled by the people who arrive, each day i am is awe of all that is happening around me, each day i give thanks for the people who come to stand with us, I know something is happening greater then ourselves, i see that we will stand we will live there is no turning back, protecting the water, protecting the people, protecting our children and grandchildren, like the buffalo we must prepare for what is coming, we must push our sacred children in the middle and stand on the outside again. world is watching even as they try to stop us, the world is watching even though they are trying to lie to us, they want to keep the world from knowing what they are planning, the world is watching,WE STAND WE PRAY WE STOP DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE FOR THE WATER MNI WICONI
9/15/16 From Linda Black Elk-Have you ever been to the prairies of North and South Dakota?Today it is raining and Mother Earth is soaking it up and nourishing all of those roots and tubers that are going to sleep for winter. There's still a ton of wildflowers - goldenrod, sunflowers, cleome. The butterflies and bees are still busy - even in the rain - and the bald eagle couples are settling into their massive nests to keep warm in the coming months. Some of them have eaglets. When the wind blows across the tallgrass prairie, it looks just like golden ocean waves. The hawks love to look for mice on those windy days, because it's difficult for the rodents to hide among the moving grains. The pronghorn and bison graze lazily next to each other, while herds of white tail and muledeer, skittish because of the coyotes, stand in tight cliques...always on guard. The Missouri River - the Lakota call it Mníšoše - winds through the prairie - moving steadily in its altered course. I always wonder what it was like to stand on the shore, underneath massive cottonwood trees, before the river was dammed. It is still so beautiful, quiet, and alive with the activity of jumping fish, frogs, and water fowl. This is why we are here. This is what we are fighting for. This is what we are protecting. I just wanted you all to know what is in my heart. #NoDAPL (Photo from last month of the very beginning of Oceti Sakowin Camp!)
9/16/16 Jon Eagle Sr., posting on Seattle solidarity march, feeling thankful: "We knew early on that if Standing Rock stood alone we were going to fail. Puts a lump in my throat to see them carrying signs that read, "Stand with Standing Rock." :) " #OneHeart#OneMind#ThePeopleWillBeOne
9/17/16 Cheryl Angel - The Gathering at the cannonball river is no longer a tribal fight for water, when you enter and see hundreds of flags you understand it is an INDIGENOUS GLOBAL SUMMIT, the conversation has begun between Nations. Lets finish the talks and draft a resolution to protect all water within all tribal territories on the planet.
9/17/16 Matt Remie - Communication, your thoughts, words, songs, interactions, is the transferring of energy. Sending out that energy from the love of our ancestors to Standing Rock, to all Indigenous peoples around the globe, protecting life so that the next generations may live. From the NW to the northern plains to the four directions, the front lines are everywhere.
9/24 Call to Action with photo of amazonian (Ecuador?) water ceremony - "Brothers and sisters,, This is a call to all the indigenous communities of our sacred continent, from Alaska to Antarctica. At this time the water of our region is in danger of pollution. The Pipe Dakota access is planning to cross the Missouri River, our source of local water. We know that the water is life, water is sacred and must be protected. We are asking for your help in this fight, we need to be united against the corporations and the powers that want to kill our mother earth. Spread this message to your community and to continue our resistance. From The Lakota, nakota and Dakota for all our relations. Aho" #Standingwithstandingrock#Nodapl
9/25/16 Kenny Frost and Waniya Locke - Words about police state, lack of freedom of religion, church folks prayers interrupted at northern side of work site: "So a group of church folks went to pray at the northern side of work site. In the middle of prayering, 10 nd hp, 1 van, 1 helicopter and 1 ambulance showed up disrupting their prayer. There was 7 clergy men at site to witness this injustice act against the people, first hand. The units are sitting at Garner Bottom. I am thankful for the ND people to see it is injustice first hand." (continued in post...)
9/28/16 RWC: " Lila Wopila tanka ichichapelo. Tanyan echanu. Anpetu kin le oyate woohitike yuha mani pi. You are all brave and full of compassion for doing what you're doing. We are all in this together. different roles, different times. More people continue to arrive. This is the battle of Mother Earth. Big Oil is backed by Big Finance here. Law enforcement is doing the bidding of big money. Our hearts are bigger. We love you all. Stay Here, Stay Strong, #SkodenCamp " SRDAPL Opposition: "Morton County Sheriff's Department. Stop your bullshit, the Hunkpapa Lakota Oyate boys are made of kevlar. You are on Treaty Land. But thanks for helping us ignite either the beginning of the end of our world, or what will become Native America's civil rights well as the end of big oil on this continent. No delusions of grandeur here, just sayin. See you in the morning)"
9/29/16 There are little and huge personal victories hidden inside all of the happenings and challenges we are facing at Standing Rock. One victory and there are many just like it I am sure, is the story of a young man with a good heart, born and raised on the Rez, (More...)
10/1/16 Jon Eagle Sr."We are Sitting Bull's People, and will use all of our resources to protect the water for our children and grand children. Even if that means calling upon our young warriors." - Phyllis YoungJune 25th, 1876 the 7th Cavalry struck the Hunkpapa camp first. The Hunkpapa stood their ground bravely, covering the retreat of their women and children down the flat. Veterans of that fight say, "It was sure hard luck for Major Reno that he struck the Hunkpapa camp first."- (Vestal, 1932, p 162.) History seems to be repeating itself. Little did they know 2 years ago that they awoke a sleeping giant. #Standing With A Strong Heart
Quoting this post from 2014, when DAPL was "announced"" Jon Eagle Sr.
October 1, 2014 · Good morning. Yesterday, an Oil Company was here to let the tribe know that there is a proposed pipeline that will cross the Missouri River at the Cannon BallRiver, which is our northern border. As the company officials began to make their presentation to council, our chairman interrupted them, letting them know that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has a standing resolution against fracking and is in opposition of any pipelines going through Treaty Lands! The oil company was allowed to finish their presentation. When they were done the tribal archeologist from the Tribal Historic Preservation Office was allowed to ask questions of the company representatives which exposed what they were trying to hide. Made me proud to know that our tribe stands with the Oceti Sakonwin, No Pipelines on Treaty Lands! Four members of the council also spoke but it was council woman, Phyllis Young who impressed me the most when she reminded the oil companies that, "We are Sitting Bull's People, and will use all of our resources to protect the water for our children and grand children. Even if that means calling upon our young warriors."
10/2/16 SRST FB Video of Sunrise with Quote from Sitting Bull:"For us, warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who can not provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity." - Sitting Bull
10/3/16 Quote posted on Standing Rock Sioux Tribe FB page: “We’re coming together because we were originally the custodians and there’s a responsibility to that. People may think that this is just an isolated situation, but I know the people, I know myself. No matter how angry I get… the love is greater and all I really want to happen is for everyone to have a sense of love. There’s a lot of forgiveness that happens here, a lot of forgiveness, and we’re doing it all from love. That’s native pride. That is true native pride. This is our way as native people saying, “We’ve never stopped loving you even though that we may have been forgotten. We’re not dead. We’re still here and we’re still working and we’re still acting like custodians. This is the drawing line. We cannot take any more from this land, we’ve got to stop. Enough resources have been taken from this planet. We don’t need any more.” - Sky Yarborough, at/about Oceti Sakowin Camp
10/9/16 Good afternoon friends and relatives !! Nice to relax at the He Sapa Wacipi, seeing no DAPL attire for sale. A reminder to those headed to the camp, it is not an AIM camp nor is it an IRA camp, it is an Oceti Sakowin camp. The use and abuse of alcohol and drugs are not allowed. Abusers of women and children are not allowed and plastic medicine men and women are not allowed. We are following L/Dakota protocol !! Remember this action is based on the foundation of prayer through our canumpa !! Wopila - Virgil Taken Alive
10/10/16 In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, here are a few voices of the incredible people at Oceti Sakowin Camp, North Dakota, fighting to protect our water from the DAPL pipeline. Listen to full interviews on the Voices of Standing Rock page. 10/10/16 Standing Rock Sioux Tribe about DoJ decision to deny injunction: "Yesterdays court ruling is a disappointment but it is in no way the end of our fight to protect our land, waters, people and sacred places. We invite you to join us in peaceful prayer.Any act of violence hurts our cause and is not welcome here. We invite all supporters to join us in prayer that, ultimately, the right decision—the moral decision—is made to protect our people, our sacred places, our land and our resources. Thousands of people, from members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, tribes across the nation and First Nations in Canada, to non-Native supporters in the United States and around the world, have stood in solidarity against the harm and destruction caused by the Dakota Access Pipeline. We have stood side by side in peaceful prayer and will continue to do so as we fight to permanently protect that which is sacred to all of us." 10/12/16 Floris Ptesan Hunka speaks about compassion Photo: Dave Matthews in camp, hugging a child Floris Ptesan Hunka (He sang, too - see #NoDAPL Music under his name) 10/12/16 Donna L. Dunlap - An Open Letter to Sheriff Laney, Cass County, North Dakota An open letter to Sheriff Laney, Cass County, North Dakota Dear Sheriff Laney, I have just finished watching your press conference video in reference to the recent arrests made at the Dakota Access Pipeline construction site. I do have some concerns that I would like to pose to you, and I hope that you can find time in your busy schedule to reply. I’d like to address this by using the time code stamp at the bottom of the video......
...... Now, after this lengthy litany of questions, I do want to make some clarifications. I am a 53 year- old white woman from Port Huron, Michigan. I have no stake, so to speak, in this fight. My water will not be contaminated in the event of a spill from the Dakota Access Pipeline. I have no friends or relatives at the camps or the protests. I am, however, a woman with a conscience. I am embarrassed to be white. I am deeply disturbed by the actions of your office, the North Dakota government, and my own United States government. This country, as it is now, was built on the broken treaties that were made to our indigenous people. For that, the entire country should be ashamed. Because, believe it or not, red lives do matter. Thank you for your time and consideration, Donna Dunlap…/Morton-Cass-County-Sheriffs-Departments-di… 10/12/16 Jon Eagle Sr. speaks of Albert White Hat's sharing of the deeper meanings of "wakan" and "wakanyeja" "
10/16/15 Comment on harassment video from of Iowa driver: "How much for the little girl?" - "A despicable fact in our struggle against this pipeline is the reality of the man camps that exist and the human/sex trafficking that takes place within them. Yesterday a young woman in Iowa was verbally targeted by a DAPL pipeline worker. Below is a statement issued with permission by her mother, Marisa Miakonda Cummings:" (Cont'd in post) - SSC
10/16/16 Redhawk, w photo: We are Standing Rock. One of the most powerful places in the world. The only place in the United States where the government and local authorities keep caution when approaching. Not because of weapons of violence, because there are none. Instead they fear the camp because of prayer and standing as a place where people from all around the world have come to form a community of love, prayer and protection. We are what corporations fear the most. Free thinking humanity focused on human and civil rights to guide our futures. To protect mother earth, and keep our planet safe. To respect heritage and preserve history. To defend indigenous liberties. Despite what morton county sheriffs try to claim, you have never seen a photo of a protector at an action or at camp with a firearm. Despite what morton county claims, you have never seen a photo of a mutilated animal on a local ranchers farm. The local government is trying to strike fear into the surrounding ranchers, farmers, and community by spreading false information around the community. We encourage you to get to know us. We are standing rock. We will sit no more.
10/19/16 About "two-spirit": "FYI - The term "two-spirit" is a term that is to be used by indigenous people only. It refers to an individual that carries both the masculine and feminine identities. It ties indigenous people back to their traditional, spiritual and culture beliefs - some that were forbidden or nearly taken from us due to colonization. Please respect the wishes of indigenous people and keep two-spirit as an identity that only they can be recognized as." - Layha P Spoonhunter
10/20 ND Law Enforcement set up a new operations center @ Ft.Rice, a military fort established by Gen. Sully in 1864 after he executed the WhiteStone Hill massacre. This fort is also the site where Chief Gall (SittingBull's lieutenant) signed the 1868 treaty where the Lakota reserved to the Seven Council Fires the lands that are now being destroyed by DAPL north of the Cannonball river and south of the Heart river. These are serious times with an energy coming back around again. We need help out here relatives. Send word. Come if you can. They are posturing for a showdown. Send a voice to Creation. Action is our prayer. Peace is power. - RWC
10/23/16 We are ready and standing our ground. Our sacred ground. Peace be with us all. - Dr0ne2bwild 0:15 SSC:" Our Water Protectors have set up a blockade on Hwy 1806 just north of where the Dakota Access pipeline is proposed to cross the road.There is also a camp-initiated blockade south of Main Oceti Sakowin camp on hwy 1806. And a blockade on county road 134 to stop police access coming from the west. This is to protect a new established frontline camp thats on the pipeline easement, just east of hwy 1806. Meanwhile, DAPL is still trying to dig, heading towards this new frontline camp. This is real. We are done with being reactionary. We are asserting our rights as Indigenous peoples! This remains a non-violent direct action committed to peaceful civil disobedience."
10/26/16 Lolly Bee reports on a meeting she attended in Cannonball where a councilman came to answer legal questions about the treaty and eminent domain, exploring alternative legal options, and the logistics of moving the frontline camp. Posted on the Standing Rock Information FB Page
10/27/16 Showed my white homie a video of what's happening with the #NoDAPLtoday. But before I told him what the video was of he asked "is that a military operation in syria?" Told him no that's how they're treating my native people. Then he got quiet for awhile and said "bro wanna come with me over there?" Told him "you already know bro I stay the fuck out of North Dakota" then he said "I fought for our country against so called terrorists. Now our government wants to act tyrannical. I'm there" So just got done helping him load up stuff in his truck. Now he's off to NoDak. - Chris Keeble
10/31/16 There is no solid line between "organizers" and others- this is a movement, not an organization. There are many camps and points of contact, we can only verify that the 'Facebook Check In' action did not originate from the Sacred Stone Camp FB page. We support the tactic, and think it is a great way to express solidarity There is no doubt that law enforcement comb social media for incriminating material and monitor communications. The check in's have created a huge influx of media attention that we appreciate. Our growing massive social media following plays a key role in this struggle. We have been ignored for the most part by mainstream media, yet we have hundreds of thousands of supporters from across the world. We appreciate a diversity of tactics and encourage people to come up with creative ways to act in solidarity, both online and as real physical allies. We would like to see these thousands of people take physical action to demand that their banks divest, their police forces withdraw, and the Army Corps and Obama administration halt the construction of this pipeline. We would like CitiBank, Bank of Tokyo, and Mizho Bank to cancel their pending $1.1 billion dollar loan to DAPL. We'd also like to see people connect with indigenous and environmental struggles in their own bioregion. We'd like you to investigate and organize around your personal relationship to fossil fuel consumption and colonization. Photo by AdaMedia Med Mera
10/31/16 We now know that the Sheriff's Department uses Facebook to target Water Protectors!! They are tracking the check-ins, they use facial recognition, and are tracking phone locations through Facebook! That is why we are on MeWe - there is no tracking, no algorithms, no facial recognition! Join our group there and stay safe!! #NoDAPL - RWC
10/31/16 Our inboxes are flooded. They have been for months, and today it has exponentially increased. Please think twice before sending an email or message- most likely you can find answers here at!
10/31/16 Red Owl Legal Collective was at court this afternoon providing court support to our water protectors on bond hearings and preliminary hearings. - Red Owl Legal Collective/National Lawyers Guild
11/1/16 A group of headmen from the Lakota/Dakota met to pray and talk about what our people are facing. (more) ....Together we lit that fire within us. We have no fear in our hearts. Since the time of our ancestors they tried to rub us out and we're still here. - Jon Eagle Sr.
11/2/16 I just talked to one of the medics. The kid that was shot in the back by a rubber bullet today Nov 2nd that was coughing up blood had a bruised lung which caused the bleeding but the bleeding stopped & he's going to be ok. He'll be very sore but ok. Please spread the word. #NoDAPL - Kandi Mossett
11/2/16 Relatives, we need your help. Last Thursday when we were forcibly removed from the treaty frontline camp I gave the Defend the Sacred banner to a group of women standing by the fence. In the chaos and commotion that ensued I didn't get the banner back and we would appreciate some help in tracking it down. It was gifted to me and IEN by the Dine people who brought it to us. It's blessed and has been through many battles on the frontlines. We would very much like to know if it made it through this one and is ok. If you have it or know who does please, please bring it to the media tent on the hill and drop it off there for Kandi. Mod-zi-gidads! (Thank you!) - Indigenous Environmental Network 11/2/16 Courney Yellowfat expounds on the problems with the USACE's idea of "consultation". 11/2/16 NEW International Indigenous Youth Council press event at Morton County - LRI 15:05
11/7/16 What's the current situation in the #NoDAPL struggle? - Obama did NOT re-route the pipeline and there is absolutely NO material evidence that the administration is considering it. - The Army Corps did NOT order Morton County to stop attacking and arresting us on (what they claim is) their land. - There has been NO order to stop all construction. EVER. - There is currently NO 30 day delay, there is no 45 day delay, there is no 60 day delay. - DAPL IS still working and as we speak is desecrating a concentration of sites held sacred by multiple Nations, and is almost done with everything except the river crossing - DAPL does NOT have the 404 permit they need to bore under the Missouri river. - It is NOT clear whether DAPL cares about having the permit they need to bore under the river. - The Feds are NOT preparing to raid the camp. - Work is NOT complete in Iowa and there IS currently a lockdown action happening right now. - NO ONE donated $2.5 million to the legal defense fund. - Rumors ARE a tactic of state repression - Things that Army Corps colonels say to people in passing have NO legal or regulatory teeth - Empty promises of further review ARE a tactic of state repression - This whole seige is taking place on land that was NEVER ceded to the US government - We aren't leaving until we win!
11/8/16 About the election: To me it don't matter America never stood up for us, nothing changes we still face the same racism, we still deal with stereotyping, we still deal with oppression, we still deal with men who gave no respect for women, we are here to stand up we are hear to change world thought to make the world better, to save the water, let's change the world (LaDonna Brave Bull Allard)
11/21/16 Support this front line resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. Join us for week of solidarity action kicking off on November 25th, culminating in a Global Day of Action on December 1st. 11/21/16 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Standing Rock: Critical Injuries After Police Attack with Water Cannons, Rubber Bullets in Freezing Temps 11/21/16 Relatives, please do not call the FBI and give them information if you were injured by police in North Dakota. Please work with our camp attorneys, the Water Protector Legal Collective/NLG-formerly Red Owl Legal Collective to pursue justice. Calling the FBI could result in you providing information that could be potentially incriminating to yourself and others. Many of these police do not see your constitutional right to peacefully assemble. They do not see your point of view or what you are fighting for. Clearing a public road resulted in use of deadly force against hundreds of people. They have responded to us with escalating violence, and increased charges. Put pressure on your legislators, federal agencies, and the White House. Put pressure on North Dakota's governor. Call on the Department of Justice. Please keep eachother safe, and learn about your rights. Donate to our legal defense fund: 11/21/16 Please support our medics with Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council$MedicHealerCouncil
11/21/16 A message from a soldier: “I’ve seen a ton on the facebook about "thanking veterans for their service.” As a veteran let me just be very straightforward and honest with you. We didn’t “serve our country”; we don’t actually serve our brothers/sisters or our neighbors. We serve the interests of Capital. We never risked our lives or spent months on deployment away from our family and friends so they can have this abstract concept called “freedom”. We served big oil; big coal; Coca-Cola; Kellogg, Brown, and Root and all the other big Capital interests who don’t know a fucking thing about sacrifice. These people will never have to deal with the loss of a loved one or the physical and/or psychological scars that those who “serve”, and their families, have to deal with for the rest of their lives. The most patriotic thing someone can do is to tell truth to power and dedicate yourself to building power to overthrow these sociopathic assholes. I served with some of the most real and genuine people I’ve ever met. You’ll never see solidarity like the kind of solidarity you experience when your life depends on the person next to you. But most of us didn’t join for that; we joined because we were fucking poor and didn’t have many other options.“ ~ Veteran photo and post - Roc P. Begay
11/22/16 Gov Dalrymple & the PUC brought this fight right to Standing Rock as if we should just bow down. Just like when White Supremacists brought the fight to Leith it was just too close for our families to be safe. We are not armed, we will never be armed, and violent or armed agitators are not welcome here. Do not place this blame on Standing Rock, place this blame at the feet of an outside corporation whose oil money owns North Dakota politicians. They are to blame for unsettling Morton & Burleigh county residents' quiet enjoyment of our cities. You brought these protesters here when you left Standing Rock no choice but to defend our families.- Chase Iron Eyes
11/22/16 Speaking truth to power with prayer - Indigenous Rising Media 11/22/16 Important message brought to you by a member of the International Indigenous youth Council. "Standing Rock ( #NoDAPL ) is a war zone. This place is no joke. This is not a place to come as a tourist attraction, as some where to go just to say "I was there", and you don't come to "save the ndn." This is a native war. If you come, you don't come as a celebrity, or a saviour, you come here to be a warrior, no matter who you are or where you originate from. We're all here as warriors, to stand with no fear, to stop the #DakotaAccessPipeline. If you come, be ready to stare into the eyes of evil and still stand with your people with locked arms for mother earth." - Andreanne Catt
11/23/16 "Interesting meeting last night, wica omniciye. Last night a wounded warrior spoke. A man who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and was wounded in combat. He served in both the Army and Marines and spoke in a quiet, humble way of what combat was like. (more...) What Morton County Sheriffs Department and DAPL Security don't understand is that we're descendants of a people who have been resisting since point of contact. "- Jon Eagle Sr.
11/23/16 I want to also say today to those out there in the world. I am honored by the many who come to stand with us. I refuse to judge people in their dress, habits and way of life if you stand with me i stand with you. I am not there to teach you how to live my way i am there to learn how to live together. I refuse the concept of a leader for this gathering if you came to protect the water we stand together, i am so tried of ego and everyone wanting to be a leader we need to stand together. otherwise we would be like north dakota who are leading people like sheep. i am the protector of water - LaDonna BraveBull Allard
11/23/16 Planning on coming to Standing Rock? There are questions from non-native supporters and allies if they will be welcome in camp. All good people are outraged by the abuses of the police and their oil corporation influenced overlords. We need everyone’s help. However, please be aware that is a native led movement, and we need support, not people to rescue us. This started as a political protest at Standing Rock against the pipeline, it has become more, it is the birth of a movement of native people to protect the water and the earth, to respect tribal sovereignty, and for the right to peacefully protest. As a midwife for over 30 years, I see this movement like a woman giving birth to a child that will grow, evolve and change. The early days was enthusiasm and excitement. After Sunday, the real pain of hard labor has begun. Like any laboring mother, support is needed, not only those physically present, but all the people with knowledge and skills in the background. A woman in labor needs to be respected and be autonomous. Ultimately, a woman gives birth alone, this movement needs to be led by native people. This is a historic joining of intertribal forces for political activism. But ultimately we will need to figure it out. There is some chaos and disorganization in this process. People are not always listening to elders and leadership. There is not always good or fair use of resources. Mistakes have been and will be made. However, labor is hard, it is painful, it is messy, involving sweat, tears, and blood. But it is also empowering, showing resilience, strength, and courage. Allies & supporters can bring experience, supplies, skills to help insure a healthy birth. After giving birth, this child movement will take many years to develop, but it will be influenced by kin, community and culture. People can bring the diversity of knowledge and skills including nonviolence political activism and sustainability which will help not only to support the water protectors, but enrich this community long after this protest is finished. We need everyone to join us. Water does not discriminate. The Earth is being raped by the corporate masters who only care about profits, all of us need to join together to stop it. We all have ways we can do that, be political at home, fundraise, make calls, change banks. For those called to come to Standing Rock, ask yourself where you can do the most good. Consider to sponsoring indigenous people that want to come to support the frontline. If you do decide to come, please be self-sufficient in extreme cold & harsh living conditions,if you have special dietary needs (including vegetarian) plan on bringing your own food and a way to cook it. Unless it is a four season tent with heating and extra tie downs, tents are inadequate shelter. While there are areas and camps you are not likely to be arrested, maced, or even killed, there are no guarantees. You will be coming to a war zone. We need everyone, but not those who are there because fashionable, think it is a festival, are not willing to work hard, endure much, and sacrifice to serve the water. If you do decide to come please read this:…/1cK0NgtjxcThrHK5g7s28rhwJWX_…/edit #waterislife#nodapl - Daphne Singingtree
11/24/16 Morton County brought their hoses out on Thanksgiving. The National Guard has another one on the way. When you're chowin' down on your treat of choice today, think of our family on the front lines. Those mashed potatoes are made with water. The turkeys were fed with water. Pumpkins grow with water. Everything you're consuming today comes from the product we're fighting to protect. Don't forget about us out here. Pray for us. Thankfully, the sun is shining and we have the ancestors on our side. Lila wopila Tunkasila for this day. - SSC
11/25/16 Hihanna waste could not sleep all night my mind is full, and maybe a little sick, seven months and 25 days Sacred Stone has been on the ground. We watch as Dakota Access dig up the land, we watch as morton county spread gossip and lies with their racist behaviors. We watch as they attack people and lie about it making claims of riots that never happened. I watch as the world comes to stand with us, I watch as the world media come to tell our story so we are not invisible, and the other media lie about what is happening. Store won't sell to the camps, others store support us. We have our own people who support and stand with us, we have our people who don't understand that water is life, we have our youth who made changing in their lives to stand for the water. What I see is a healing happening with our own people I see the people who are finding purpose in their life, no matter what happens this mni wiconi is saving a nation. Today I won't not have changed one thing for all people from everywhere standing together Water is Life. Stop Dakota Access - LaDonna BraveBull Allard
11/27/16 We call on all people of conscience, from all Nations, to join the encampments and stand with us by December 5 as we put our bodies in front of the machines. We call on allies across the world to join us for a month of solidarity- to take action EVERY DAY starting December 1. The financial footing of the Dakota Access Pipeline is in jeopardy if they do not complete the project by January 1st. If this deadline is missed, a majority of the stakeholders with contracts to ship oil through the pipeline will be able to renegotiate or cancel their contracts. We are asking people to stand with us, target the banks funding Dakota Access Pipeline and demand the withdrawal of Sheriff Departments that have been brutalizing peaceful water protectors leave. Amplify our voices:
11/27/16 We are a coalition of grassroots groups living and working at the encampments, and we will not be moved. We stand united in defiance of the black snake and are committed to defense of water, our Mother Earth, and our rights as Indigenous people. We call on all people of conscience, from all Nations, to join the encampments and stand with us as we put our bodies on the line.
11/27/16 We are calling for a month of solidarity beginning with a Global Day of Action on December 1st. We are asking people to target the banks funding Dakota Access Pipeline and the Sheriff Departments that have been brutalizing peaceful water protectors. Join this Thunderclap, amplify our voices, take action:
11/28/16 We officially have up and running! We have just been informed of changes in her case but are unsure exactly what they all mean. Red Fawn has court at 11:30 central time and as soon as we know what is happening we will update the Free Red Fawn community! To all of Red Fawn's supporters, wopila! It means more to us than we can ever express! 11/28/16 The Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council responds to the recent news and actions from the USACE and state of ND:
11/29/16 Almost 11pm and still hella blizzardy! Sitting in the tent listening to brother singing at the main fire, wind is strong tonight. It seems like I have been here forever this time and really enjoying the moment. How harsh weather teaches a thing or two, some just don't want to learn and leave under the conditions putting self at risk. Ok so hours drifted by it's now 1 am taking fire duty. So just siting here working on some photos. Thinking how important these photos are and how I love what I do. Seeing a moment in time and capturing a brief part of history but will be talked about for eons to come, there will be songs and stories. We are living in the past present and future. It's difficult to believe what you see. Living a living culture our hearts know what is happening. What I am seeing is what was spoken of before and now. With that I say goodnight and good morning. - Bucky Harjo
11/29/16 Thinking of those who no one knows of them because they are not on these social medias but only because they are really holding up their posts and keeping the frontlines safe. Send prayers to them... (more...) - Cempoalli Twenny
11/30/16 "We have no weapons, yet we are a threat--why? In my opinion, it's because we are winning. Because we are right. Because we are powerful and the world is taking notice and hearing our voices rising above all of the chaos, and I guess that scares people who benefit from this kind of corruption so much that they have resorted to hoping we freeze to death. " - Courtney Cronis
11/30/16 5 photos w post: "This bullet was given by a Veteran (active duty Green Beret) of European descent, who gave this to a descendant whose family are survivors from the Wounded Knee Massacre: " (Read more...) - Alexandra Wilson 11/30/16 Daniel Clark wrote: So I kind of have a story to tell about my flight out of Bismarck, let's say I had a few DAPL workers on my flight. (more...) - Olivia Amare
12/3/16 3 photos as vets gather, and post. "Veterans Stand with Standing Rock. You have no idea how good it felt to walk into this building and be told, "Fall in!" This is just the first arrivals. Warriors from all over America coming to defend and protect the Water Protectors. To stand with the Great Sioux Nation! To uphold the oath of service we took to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.""I wish America could be more like the Sioux. I think Creator made them so strong and stubborn because one day they were going to have to stand up for all of us." - Wes Clarke Jr. "- Jon Eagle Sr.
12/3/16 In Minneapolis, a Wells Fargo Employee assaulted peaceful water protectors with their arms locked, slamming one to the wall by his neck. This violence is representative of an entire system that built on oppression. We want these workers to know that we are fighting for their water too, and that we need to invest in jobs that do not profit from genocide and the destruction of our environment.
12/4/16 This is important to remember that the treaties still need to be brought up every chance one gets and the people should continue to use this to the full extent through these "courtrooms" and through the practice/movements; to liberate the water, land, turtle island and ourselves. The lands should be returned to the tribes as the original caretakers.... (more) - Cempoally Twenny
12/4/16Hau mitakuyepi. I'm writing in response to the many doubtful and negative comments on my previous post. Let me put this victory in perspective for you so you can better understand why I feel we've killed this black snake...... This resistance has given a voice to the many tribal nations across this country who are defending their sacred sites and ancestral burials within Treaty and ancestral lands. .... Because of this resistance tribes were invited to government to government consultation and given a chance to redefine what meaningful consultation means to them . (more...) - Jon Eagle Sr.
12/4/16 So here's my deal.... Back in August, I had a conversation with Sheriff Kerchmeir. I asked him why he was protecting this corporation. He stated they were here to keep the peace, and when people crossed the line, they would be arrested. He also told me that if DAPL ever started construction/drilling without the necessary permits, and did things out of the scope of the Law, he would make sure his soldiers stood on our side, and DAPL workers would be arrested. It's his job. So now that no easement has been granted to cross the Missouri River.... If they do continue to TRY and drill.... I expect the Sheriff to stay true to his words.. and arrest those that work outside the scope of the Law!!!! PLEASE SHARE UNTIL THE SHERIFF SEES THIS AND IS REMINDED!!!!!!! - Dana Wasinzi
12/5/16 Standing at Standing Rock / PDN Photo of the day. I'm proud to present to you this interview I did for PDN about my body of work from Standing Rock. At this moment it is our responsibility as indigenous photographers to document our own communities. We are blending oral history with imagery that honors and properly represents our movements. Please share and support our work here in the ground. For all my relations. Josue Rivas Fotographer
12/6/16 The Old Ones say the Native American women will lead the healing among the tribes. Inside them are the powers of love and strength given by the Moon and the Earth. When everyone else gives up, it is the women who sings the songs of strength. She is the backbone of the people. So, to our women we say, sing your songs of strength; pray for your special powers; keep our people strong; be respectful, gentle, and modest. - Village Wise Man, Lakota - Autumn Fire, Heart of SR
12/6/16 Hihanna waste grandsons are up but everyone else is still sleeping, we have people in all the couches, chairs and the bedrooms and on the floor, got two calls from the Sacred Stone camp everyone is good. we are opening the new kitchen for everyone to keep warm, I guess we have Veterans moving over. I hope everyone understands what I have been saying about winter, it is here. Remember put tarps on the floors and get rugs, cover your yurts tipis and tents with tarps, tie them down. Put blankets or rugs along your walls in the tipis yurts and tents. Make sure you keep the front of your door snow free so it don't blow into your home. Bush off the snow the roofs of your homes because it is too heavy. Keep wood dry cover the wood with tarps wet wood don't burn, keep your coal hot don't let them go out, invite people in make friends it is winter. Winter has arrived on the plains. We are here to stop a black snake Stop Dakota Access - LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard 12/6/16 I am sorry there are betrayer asking our veterans to leave shame on them. We are honored by their stand - LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard 12/6/16 History is being wrote as we stand they will be those who stood in the face of the enemy ( you know who you are) the heroes, the warriors who against all odds stood for a better world. The warrior who gave up their lives to stand with us. I give thanks to each of them to the great veterans I give thanks we are honored by your presents and ask you to continue to stand with us. We are at the most important life event of killing the snake or allowing the world to end. They are those political people who negotiated for us and against us. There are those who came for ego and status, those who came to forces rules on us , those who wanted to be more than they are, those who came to make a name for themselves, those who came for theirselves, these people will also be remembered. As we make history what do you want people to write about you? Did you stand or did you betray the people. - LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard 12/6/16 I have a lot on my mind, a North Dakota winters are no joke we understand this we live here. I want everyone to be safe and warm so as I said we must prepare for winter here. That means everyone helping everyone, learning to share with your neighbor. That is why we have story telling in the winter times and making thing because the weather is in control. It is called respect for the weather. I thank each of you who are standing for the water. - LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard 12/6/16 Sacred stone camp stay we don't back down we stand for the water until we kill the black snake - LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard
12/6/16 I'm getting death threats. Lots of them. Racist North Dakota extremist oil terrorists who hate the fact that I called out ND law enforcement for establishing and maintaining a potentially life threatening road block on highway 1806. Even if we ignore the thousands of water protectors who are being put at risk, let's at least consider the thousands of local residents who need to get to North Dakota for medical care. True...back in October, water protectors set up a TEMPORARY road block to hold off the dangerous intentions of law enforcement as they violently worked to protect pipeline workers who are based out of state. It was DAPL employees who burned two, large, armored vehicles. It was North Dakota law enforcement who then used those burned vehicles to fortify an unlawful road block. Were there some people in camp last night who were unprepared in spite of weather warnings? Yes. They have been cared for and taken to safe spaces by the unbelievably hard work of the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council. But let me be clear: NORTH DAKOTA LAW ENFORCEMENT HAS NOT COME TO CAMP TO RESCUE OR EVACUATE. They haven't done anything to help the people in camp and they haven't been called by us. The entire response was handled by our incredible SRMHC team. Why are some water protectors staying in camp in spite of the harsh conditions? BECAUSE CLEAN WATER FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THEIR OWN COMFORT. They are there for you; they are there for me; they are there for us all. Our only role today has been to work to keep water protectors safe in these unimaginably difficult conditions so that they can keep doing what they are doing. We need your help, too! Yes, we all use fossil fuels to heat our homes and drive our cars...I do too. We do not have a choice! But does that mean we get to be complacent? No. Water protectors are here to make sure that our children have a make sure they don't have to be complicit in the continued rape of our Mother Earth. To those assholes who are threatening me: I have taken screenshots of your fake profiles since you are too cowardly to use your real names. I'm not afraid of you. And I'll still fight for you and your children since you won't do it yourselves. - LInda Black Elk
12/6/16 We will not be intimidated by the federal government. We know we have fought this sacred battle without weapons, armed with prayers and the power of our relatives. We will not let them isolate us, torture us, blame us for the violence they inflict on our sisters and brothers, target our families, and twist the narrative. We stand together. - SEED: Stopping Extraction and Export Destruction
12/6/16 "Is a west Texas Water Protectors encampment on the horizon? From #StandingRock to the Rio Grande, no more pipelines on our land! "The Big Bend Defense Coalition is hoping to rally troops to Alpine, in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert, about 70 miles north of Big Bend National Park. The coalition said it would soon gather at a winter camp in hopes protesters from North Dakota would move south. “We want to welcome all those willing to come and help us protect our nation against corporate greed unfettered,” the coalition said in a statement." -
12/9/16 Sacred Stone Camp is not moving until the Black Snake is Dead - LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard 12/9/16 Good morning relatives! Today I woke up to the disturbing sound of an airplane going around our camp. I went outside and saw construction trucks and equipment near the drill pad. It might just be DAPL cleaning up but it can also mean they are getting ready to do some work. It is really important to understand that this is not over yet. Although the tribe has asked people to head home for safety, there are still many folks here that are ready for the winter. I believe that if our numbers are small we have a bigger chance of getting harassed by law enforcement. If you are here at camp or are coming to camp, please be prepared and self sufficient. This movement is just starting. - Josue Rivas Fotographer
12/10/16 This brother was part of the original campers way back when this prayer was put into motion. A veteran of many runs across the country to draw attention to #nodapl , Joseph has been a tireless youth organizer and an invaluable resource to the camp. Let's get him a truck!
12/12/16 Sacrifice. This is a revolution for all peoples. This is a fight for civil rights. This is a demand of freedom and liberties. This is a stand against a linear way of thinking, against illusions of power. Indigenous peoples have an inherited stewardship for this earth, a deep spiritual relationship with our planet. (more....) - Laundi Germaine Keepseagle
12/13/16 Where would all Tribal Nations be if your ancestors didn't stand up for you? Where will you be if you can't pay off Trump to keep reservations in Native hands? If Trump comes for your gaming? If they cut IHS, if they terminate us? All the "wealth" you redistribute is not wealth generated by us. We are still on rations if it stems from the United States. He who feeds you can starve you. That's why we stand. We don't have a choice. You ask us to look our children in the eyes and tell them we couldn't stand for them. I am no warrior, I am a family man. - Chase Iron Eyes 12/13/16 I got asked last night if I drove a car to Standing Rock. Told that someone supported oil, and I should to. So I need to clarify some things. (more.... on, are you indian enough, and more...) - Sara Tweedy
12/13/16 (more...) Though I will make my way to a different space to remember all that’s happened and rest for a while, I can’t fully leave this place behind. The fight is not over and the people still stand. Though other fires in camp have been extinguished, the flames in our spirits blaze. (more.... long, beautiful story) - Eryn Wise , IIYC
12/13/16 All NAtions Camp - Chase IronEyes
12/14/16 (more) " I humbly ask, let's make this gathering about instilling the values of Non-violent actions of powerful prayer.....Support #AllNations by first saying and thinking good things, then praying, then visiting all the internet sites to become aware of what is truly happening to water and water protectors around the globe..... Having Respect, sharing good words in prayer and sending financial support are what is needed now." (more) - Cheryl Angel
12/15/16 Historical story: Toypurina (1760–1799) was a Tongva—Gabrieliño Native American medicine woman who opposed the rule of colonization by Spanish missionaries in California, and led an unsuccessful rebellion against them. (more... with photo of art) - Heart of Standing Rock
12/16/16 A Vision of Healing the Earth - Sunny spoke about letting go of our past--on an individual level--to take our healing upon ourselves, so that we can help the world. "Heal yourselves. Let go of your past, your anger, your shame, your hurt. You're making yourselves tired. In order to love this Earth, you cannot do it with one hand [as the other one carries our baggage].As you spend time at Oceti Sakowin Camp, the Greatest Place on Earth, let go your baggage and leave it behind you... to free up both hands to hold and heal the Earth.""If you truly want to know what this is, look to the Medicine Wheel, there is no end. The path is to the center, there is no hierarchy. We are all on the same level. When we come to be at peace, we are fulfilled." - Sunny, a man of Prayer (w video) - OSC 0:18
12/16/16 Request for support on 12/19/16 at Morton County Courthouse (read post, more...) - Sara Jumping Eagle Thoughts before a trial, by a court that has no jurisdiction over my freedom, over my future - no ability to dampen a fire lit generations ago. Monday December 19, 2016 8 am - we request you to come to Morton County courthouse, Mandan, ND; to stand in solidarity with those who go first to represent a movement. The foundation of my strength comes from the women and men who raised me to be a proud Lakota/Dakota winyan. The place of strength and prayer and truth I come from - is older than the laws of a fledgling group of colonies that have not yet grasped the vast expanse of this universe and spiritual realm. The violent disorder perpetuated on this earth by corporations and governments has no place in our future - in my children's and grandchildren future. Did I fight as hard as I could for my children's children's future? I will try to fight as hard as my grandmother's grandmother to ensure that we live. They walked and ran bleeding and shot in the snow - to live. I cannot be bound - I cannot be barred - I cannot be afraid - of their useless chains. My freedom and strength is not dependent upon approval, upon ideals I do not believe in. My grandfather's grandmother swam the Missouri in freezing rain - to live. We live to fight for our future - in Tunkasila we trust
12/19/16 Women's Crisis Tipi via The Heart of Standing Rock - Oceti Sakowin Camp page 12/19/16 - Beautiful post from LaDonna on newagefrauds page: Ok! As of today we have been on the ground eight months 19 days defending the water. i have little time as the Protector go to court today, please pray for them. This is an injustice system of lies. Now to clear up a little information. One Red Warrior Camp did not take funds and run, I support Red Warrior, they are still helping but have left the large camp. They are still standing with me and on the ground. They are the trainers in this movement but refuse to take order from self appointed leaders OH WAIT I refuse too! We stand to kill the Black Snake. We are dealing with so many rumors created by the press. To divide and conqueror but we stand. Right now the rumors that we have all this money but what has happened is so many people used our name and raised money that never came to the camps. We don't get no funds from those tee shirts and many other fundraiser. We don't even get a teeshirt lol. We are about 3 thousand people on the ground that are staying even as we face -30 below temps. We have put up yurts, tipis and long house for the people to live in they are warms but need more. We stand in prayer everyday. Most of the hippies, burning man people have left after it got cold. we still have frauds out there raising money for us that we dont see. I could tell you some stories of these people who came just to say they were there. But is really happening at the camps is unity, healing of the nation and bravery. I would not be any place else in the world please pray for us Dakota access is still working even though they have no permit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MOVE TO OTHER PAGES: 12/19/16 First group Water protecctors trial UPDATE: Jury selection postponed to January 31st, with trial set for Feburary 1st. No jury was selected today. This possibly demonstrates that our people will not be getting a fair tiral in Morton county because the court cannot find a FAIR jury. - Dallas Goldtooth 12/19/16 Nordea bank is invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline. Sasja Beslik, the Head of Sustainable Finance at Nordea Wealth Management, (who used to work for BP Petroleum) is accusing water protectors of being hypocrites for criticizing the inescapable structures of society from within. His insult does not hold water, and Nordea should probably advise him that ridiculing indigenous people for being trapped in a world run by Big Oil is not a gracious way to move towards a greener future. Please tell them they need to fully divest from DAPL now. Photo by AdaMedia Med Mera 12/20/16 article by Bold Louisiana State Director, Cherri Foytlin!"where do we go from here? - IRM 12/21/16 Barack Obama Bans Oil and Gas Drilling in most of Arctic and Atlantic Oceans - IRM
12/23/16 Floris White Bull, "Brave Heart Woman", Hunkpapa Lakota, in the wet plate collodion process of pure silver on glass. This plate is going to be curated by the Historical Society of North Dakota for my series "Northern Plains Native Americans: A Modern Wet Plate Perspective", 8x10" black glass ambrotype, 10 seconds of exposure. - Shane Balkowitsch
12/24/16 Every morning at sunrise a singer would wake up everyone at the camp. He sang songs of freedom in Lakota. Sometimes there would be actions every morning, people would gather at the South Gate and jump in their vehicles not knowing where we would go. Spirit was leading. I took this photo in one of those mornings. I was sitting in one of the cars, I raised the camera in my hand and took the shot without looking through the viewfinder. When I was selecting my images for the day I saw something on this one even though it was underexposed. I raised the exposure in post and this come out. Josue Rivas Fotographer
12/26/16 New Law proposed by a State Senator in Washington would allow the authorities to charge protesters with "economic terrorism," and slap them with serious felony charges that could lead to jail time, just for making their voices herad. Please sign the petition teling lawmakers to reject this dangerousl legislation - Fight for the Future 1:08
12/27/16 Dear Friends and all of you that were a part of the movement at Standing Rock, today I am going home to Sweden after spending some emotional and intense months at Standing Rock. I came to Standing Rock at the beginning of October, my plan was to stay 1-2 weeks to write an article for the Swedish indigenous magazine Samefolket. I ended up being here for almost 3 months. Given all the intense experiences at Standing Rock, I am appreciative to have seen the beauty of people coming together TO TRY to change the system and create a future to believe in! Standing Rock was filled with people that want an America that will give freedom and be great for everyone, not just the people that were born with a lot of privilege. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything! AdaMedia Med Mera
12/28/16 Truth is, it's hard to drop everything and show up for what you know is right. For what you know your ancestors would do with no second thoughts. We live in a world where money is needed to just survive. Where if you have no major credit card and no credit score you're unable to buy a house. Or a car. So it becomes necessary to have a lucrative job.Then people who get too caught up in greed create situations that make us have to drop everything to wake them up. To stop their destruction. In the process sometimes we destruct ourselves and become broken. Become depleted in every facet.We're strong no doubt, but it's hard. To invest everything into a movement just to stop greed. To protect our only earth. Our most sacred. To stand up. Show up. Speak up. Then to have to go back into society with nothing and be labeled with these class groups. Nah. See I may have exhausted my bank account. Exhausted my energy. Strain my vibrations and used all of my materialistic resources but I'm stronger than ever. My human is frustrated. And stressed. But my soul...yeah my soul is evolved more. Refined. Materials...mind games I tell ya. - Malia Hulleman
12/29/16 LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard: Hihanna waste. Getting ready for the day- very little sleep- worrying about the day, December is a hard month for Native people because it is though the cold and blizzards that we were always attacked. The Sand Creek Massacre, Death of Sitting Bull, the imprisonment of the Santee, the hanging of the 38 plus 2 at Mankota, Santee women and children sent to the Prisoner of war camps, and Wounded Knee Massacre.On this day December 29, 1890 our people suffered and died at the Wounded Knee Massacre our elders, women, children and babies who were left to freeze in the snow. What did they do wrong? They just wanted to live in their own country that they loved, to raise their children on the land they loved, to drink the water from their beautiful rivers, to sing their songs and pray. We remember their sacrifices and we stand in prayer with our relatives. We will never forget. We remember our youth and people who ride the sacred horses though blizzards and cold to remember those who died on this day. Please put some tobacco and food out for our relatives who died that we never forget their sacrifice. My beautiful daughter goes to court this morning at Morton County so far our people have been met with an unfair justice system in Morton County. I pray that she is served with a fair and just system today. She has six children to care for ages 4, 5, 11, 13, 15 and 17 years old. I am worried but all we can do is pray for justice. For all the water protectors that are going to court i send prayer to each of them. What kind of world are we leaving our grandchildren? We must change our world thought now to save the water to save ourselves. - Bryon Buffalo 1:31 12/29/16 THJ Tribute to Wounded Knee - THJ 6:38 12/29/16 LRI Tribute to Wounded Knee - LRI
12/29/15-16 (repost) I am a survivor of the government, I am a survivor of massacres, I am a survivor of oppression and depression, I am a survivor. I survived bullets, I survived the cold, I survived all who were taken by mans objects. I look at the sky today and thankful to be free because I survived. I am free from this cold world you set me in because of the bullets you put in my skin, but I will survive, if not me, my bloodline will. We will always survive until the earth is no more. And the next seven generation, you will hurt them, take away their language, cut their hair off, you will kill them, but their blood is as strong as ours, they will survive just as I will survive. Because even though you've taken me away from this earth, I will continue to walk in the next world until it is my time again. I am a survivor. We are survivors. ~Eagle For those who lost their lives today 125 years ago, you will never be forgotten.- Eagle I. Weston
12/29/16 The efforts against this pipeline were always, from the beginning, the ikce wicasa and winyan. The common people. Those of us there put our own time, efforts, and used our own incomes to make it fly. I hope people see that the common peoples credibility is not what's in question. Our efforts as protectors is with true intentions, real effort, real sacrifice of time out of our lives, our families sacrificed for this. I'm disappointed to say the very least. But like I said before, everything most of us ever have, we have to fight and work HARD for. Not accustomed to having it any other way. The takers may eat better but the givers sleep better. - Floris Ptesan Hunka
12/29/16 Lakota perception of wealth is based on values practiced daily. The physical appearance of a person accounted for nothing if that man was selfish, a poor provider for his family, and disregarded less fortunate. Greatness in our society is measured in what you give rather than take. In the raising of a young man, “The father glorified giving. ‘ Give adequately, give worthy of yourself—or do not give at all. Give abundantly and with glorious abandon. Do not give half—holding back, timid of your own private security, as though you pinned your faith not on men but on the mere things. Better to give and have nothing left than to be stingy. So let gifts flow freely out and they will flow freely back… If everyone gives, everyone gets. In the endless stream of giving, this is bound to be so.” The great misconception of helping other people is that you have to be materialistically rich; this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In our camps, the half starving shared with the all-together starving. As a human, it is unnatural to look away from another’s suffering. The true measure of a great society is how it treats its less fortunate. Remember, blood quantum does not make someone Lakota. Values practiced daily make you Lakota. - Floris Ptesan Hunka
12/30/16 I remember when we got the eviction notice to vacate camp by Dec. 5th..FOX News called me for an interview as I was driving back to camp... She asked "Do you guys have any plans for action on the the 5th?" I said "Well, wouldn't you like to know!!"... Then my phone lost service and hung up on her... Creator works in mysterious ways... 😂😂😂 - Chad Charlie
NEW 1/1/17 Brave Buffalo - Yanktonai - 1896 NNAI NEW 1/1/17 This last year 2016 has been an amazing journey but life changing. It Started out the 2016 with working at with the THPO but i really missing the Sitting Bull Visitor center and my history work. I have not done a genealogy for anyone in the year. which is a shame just too busy. I missed the inaction with people at the visitor venter but the work at THPO was important. We lost Auntie Josie in March which was a change of life journey for me. (More in the post) LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard NEW 1/1/17 Please donate to the courageous water protectors who rappelled from the US Bank Stadium roof to say #DefundDAPL!!
1/2/17 "Everyday I am strengthened by the selflessness of all people at camp working hard to make sure everyone is safe & warm. It's a powerful reality here. Creator extends compassion to those who work hard for their prayer. Thank you all." - Chase Iron Eyes:
NEW 1/3/17 According to a counter on, individuals have pulled over $40.5 million from the banks that back the Dakota Access Pipeline. 2017 is off to a good start! SSC NEW 1/3/17 Sacred Stone Camp will become a permanent camp to teach everyone to live on the earth again, to respect our water, to learn history, culture, language, plants, medicine along the river, and to live with the earth with respect. SSC NEW 1/3/17 Floridians - Did you know that right now, construction is under way in Florida, Georgia, & Alabama for the Sabal Trail Pipeline? Take 2 minutes out of your day to decide for yourself if this is a good idea, LIKE our page to help us build a bigger following, and SHARE this video so more people can become aware. Endless Thanks Nomad’s Land 2:01 NEW 1/3/17 As part of the international NoDAPL campaign in solidarity with Indigenous water protectors and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota, Bay Area activists organized a flashmob on Friday December 16th inside the Wells Fargo headquarters in San Francisco. They re-wrote lyrics to Prince’s song When Doves Cry, and called on the bank to divest from Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) the corporation driving the Dakota Access Pipeline. Information on how to close your account funding DAPL: SSC 1:47
1/7/17 I never came to Standing Rock asking to be anything. I came because I was invited to come, and I was called to be there. I didn't ask to be security, I didn't ask to stand the line, I didn't ask to be between police and protectors, I didn't ask to be shot, or broken, or beaten, or sprayed. I got these because I did what I was called to do, when no one else would. I didn't come looking for anything, I wasn't after anything from anyone. I don't want power or fame or control of anything. People come in now and want to make us leave. Why? What did I do? I'm here to help. You want me on the gate? I'll stand at the gate. You want me to clean a toilet? I'll do it. I'm here to stop this thing, not play king of the hill. But don't ask me to do something and then get in my face and tell me what I'm not when you've only been here for 2 weeks. (more) - Aidoneus Bishop
1/13/17 1/13 HolyElk Lafferty: "To our family and friends- I know there has been confusion surrounding camp and what's going to happen from here. There are many people who will move South and establish a new camp location to continue their prayers from there and we honor them for following their path. Here at White Buffalo Chief Camp we are standing strong, shoulder to shoulder with many other warrior camps who will not be moving South to the location we have been asked to move to. We are moving to higher ground for safety but we believe to move South is asking us to compromise what our spirits have guided us to know is our path and purpose here. This is a critical moment in time in which the future of Unci Maka, Mni Wiconi and all living beings is going to be determined. We cannot silently retreat back into the woodwork and participate in the slow death of our people and planet. This is who we are and what we believe. If you could see what I see in the hearts of the Warriors that stand next to me as we move forward, you would know without a doubt that there is hope for the future just like I do. Rest assured that the strong hearts are coming to the front. We got this ✊❤ #nodapl #strongheartstothefront" 1/13/17 In honor of #HouseBill1304. Where ND wants to make it illegal to wear a hood and/or mask to certain functions. They want to make it a Class A misdemeanor to wear these things during rallies and demonstrations. Not like we were protection ourselves from mace and teargas or anything. Not like our hoods and masks, aka baklava, protect us from frostbite in subzero temperature or anything.. Maybe they want to create this law so they can justify another George Zimmerman case.. Y'all gonna arrest half your officers when they at their rallies rocking their white hooded masks? Amerikkka is no longer the land of the free and home of the brave. More like the land of the greed and home to the slaves.. The bill: Introduced by: Representatives Carlson, Headland, K. Koppelman, Porter Senators Armstrong, Casper. - Chad Charlie 1/13/17 Horn puts Oceti Sakowin fire to sleep - OSC page 1/13/17 Spirit Walkers talk about their 870 mile journey - OSC page 29:36 1/13/17 barricade increases emergency travel time - OSC page
1/14/17 History of the Ghost Dance - OSC page 3:12 1/14/17 The first time I was sobered by the struggle of poor single parenthood was my basketball shoes - Chase IronEyes 1/14/17 There has been some confusion coming out about the camps. So i will try and explain what is happening. 1st- the fight for the water is not ended. we stand for the water we stand against Dakota Access pipeline we stand against all the pipelines. 2nd -the Oecti camp is in the process of moving because it is in a flood plain and with the amount of snow fall they need to move to higher ground. 3rd -we are planning the clean up of the area so that when the spring flood comes our rivers will not be filled with garbage. 4th Everyone is working hard to make sure everyone is safe and the area will be clean. 5th- Many people have chosen to go home at this time we ask that you take the healing of the camps with you 6th -Many people will be returning in the spring 7th- We have to be carful of the gossip and rumors coming out in the North Dakota Press they just not true, there is not 300 hundred abandoned cars etc... and what every else they make up. Gossip and rumors are made to divide the people. We have been here before we still stand. 8th-we are supporting everyone across the world who is standing up for the water. 9th- it is time to change the world and fight for the right to live 10th- water is life 1/14/17 Water Protectors Head to D.C. For the Inauguration - OSC page 3:22
1/17/17 Hard work fulfills prophecy, not belief. We are prayer heavy. Our faith is unshakeable. Our action to provide for ourselves, however, is light. It is not unbreakable. - Chase Iron Eyes
1/17/17 A DAy of Action post-mortem - what have we learned? - 7 photos-( detailed reflections ) - OSC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1/19/17 - 1/21/17 Words to ponder about the varying views of people in the camps and what is best for all, regarding frontline actions and conduct and intent of people in those actions and/or prayers: 1) Aldo Sloane 2) And these: Wakinyan Omani Win Paha · 0:00 Well get down here n lets see if u can do any different n hold ur tongue... I may not b apart of tha cussing but as far as I'm concerned they made it along way... Well u guys r at home in ur nice warm home watching this on ur Wi-Fi with no disconnection eating fast food n taking nice hot showers... Think before u say anything because as these men n women r down here n yes we all don't agree on alot of things but ur negitiveness is not helping... 3) And this, by Waniya Locke, a local who has been involved all along, with her perspective on whether Direct Action is needed at this time (1/19/17) : 4) Jon Eagle's Sr.'s good words, as always: I want to encourage all of you to be good relatives to each other and learn to listen. (more, good read....) 5) And two people's view about those treaty lands: - I don't know what's going on in camp and instructions to move, I'll be the first to say. But if you must move, don't move back past the rez line, do you want to be corralled again? Be wards of the government, like we have to be monitored and babysat. IF You move back, we'll never gain that land and freedom back we once had. Yes, I'm sorry to speak like I live in camp day in and day out, I don't, but my heart is there. I will never forget how the world backed Standing Rock against big oil. Don't let negativity or ego infect your fighting spirit. There's many of us that still believe. I do!! - Holly Young - We are going to disagree. When the US imprisoned our people on these military reservations the majority of us gave up, for good reasons. Mothers, children & elders came first so strong people made hard choices to stop fighting. Some refused to give up though. They stayed fighting until the end. There's a lot coming down for the camp these next few days. The front line is not a place for non-warriors. Our people are unarmed, NonViolent and being fired upon at will. National Guard, LEOs, DAPL are coming into our side of the bridge to terrorize us. When we went on horse raids, on a war party, on dangerous expeditions, those who were not highly capable of agility, risk & strength simply did not come. Respect that. Our brothers & sisters have taken many "less lethal" bullets. Our bro has a hole in his leg from last night. We will make sure they get feathers. They're earning them. They are sacrificing. We will join them. This is a call out for self sufficient, able bodied, mobile protectors to come join the front line. I am happy to know warriors. - Chase IronEyes And this: We cannot verbally assault law enforcement, we can't throw snowballs, we cannot aggressively antagonize them. They are fully cognizant & fully funded with an awesome PR team and we hurt our cause when we go out of discipline. That's always been my position and I know it's ideal. To the extent we can we should be aware that what we say is going to be effectively used against us. Nonetheless, remove the economic sanction and we won't have this problem. - Chase IronEyes
ARCHIVIST NOTE: Mainly, it's complicated. People in camp have varying views, people in the area have varying views. No one is really condoning aggressive actions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1/22/17 Each camp is making their own decision on whether to move or not. My stance has never changed. I will support those who stay north of the cannonball river. We invited people here to stop a pipeline. The pipeline is not stopped. In fact, the highly militarized opposite is in place with the blockade, LEOs & DAPL mercs and we are backing down. They are withholding our rations once again via economic sanction. "Look at me, see if I am poor, or my people either. The whites may get me at last, as you say, but I will have good times till then. You are fools to make yourselves slaves to a piece of fat bacon, some hard-tack, and a little sugar and coffee." -SittingBull - Chase IronEyes
1/29/17 No ban on stolen land - refugees welcome on native land - Melanie Yazzie Today at the #laxprotest, Native people conducted a welcoming ceremony to call in our Muslim and refugee sisters as relatives. We danced a long round dance to the beat of the drum. At one point during the dance, thousands and thousands of people erupted in cheer. The noise was so thunderous that it shook the ground. It went on and on. In that moment, I closed my eyes and could feel the crowd and the earth pulsating. Our circle became the beating heart of that crowd right then, and minutes later a small group of no more than a dozen Native people took charge of that whole protest and marched. Marched all the way around LAX. Everyone followed, we moved as one. And for that period of time, Native people were at the front. The tip of the spear. When one of our Native brothers took to the megaphone and said that the United States has no authority on Native land, the crowd cheered. So loud my ears were ringing. When another Native brother took to the megaphone and told our new Muslim relatives that we are here to protect and fight for them, that we and this land recognize their humanity, they wept tears of joy. That is what I witnessed today. That is the power of Native-led movements. We never stopped practicing our own customs of kinship making, citizenship and belonging. This land recognizes our humanity because we never gave it up. Trump and all US forms of citizenship and law are illegitimate on stolen land. So when we say "Muslims and refugees welcome on Native land," we mean it!! #nobanonstolenland#banUSA — withNick Estes
1/30/17 CALL THE #FERC NUMBERS BELOW TODAY, TOMORROW AND THE NEXT DAY. POST THEIR RESPONSES! #RubberStampRebellion#NoNewPermits#FERCdoesntworkHi All – this is an opportunity to help our friends and neighbors battling fracked gas pipelines along with us. If you can take the time to make the calls and spread the word it would help send a bright and powerful message. Friends of Communities and the Climate. Due to the recent resignation of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Commissioner Norman Bay, FERC will lose its ability to approve permits on Friday, February 3rd! There is speculation that the industry is pushing FERC to approve several pending permit applications this week, before they lose the quorum of commissioners needed to do so. These pipelines include Williams Partners' Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline, NEXUS Gas Transmission's NEXUS pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners LP's Rover project, and National Fuel Gas Co's Northern Access Expansion. Write or call Norman Bay's staff today! Tell them not to approve these permits. 1/30/17 Rumor Control. Dispelling rumors. - IRM 1/30/17 What kind of a world have they created where a car is more important than a person’s life? - LRI 1/30/17 The Standing Rock Sioux are not protesters holding up a project, they are the people of this land, they are the protectors of this water,” said Councilmember Juarez. - LRI 1/30/17 This is Indian land. refugees are welcome here - LPLP 1/30/17 Camp Cleanup - Nick Tilsen with Thunder Valley CDC is assisting with cleanup. That's all the equipment pulling in to camp. It's not the Feds or anything like that. It's a native led clean up being coordinated by thunder Valley CDC standing Rock CDC in coordination with Hans Bradley from the SRST tribal EPA office. They are not asking people to leave simply cleaning up the areas that are abandoned and trying to clean the earth. Please give them a hand. - Chase IronEyes 1/30/17 Lewis Grassrope Discusses Camp Cleanup - OSC page 3:51 1/30/17 Update from Camp (cleanup, dispelling rumors) - OSC page 11:33 1/30/17 Relatives please do not be alarmed. They are here to assist the clean up of camp - please be assured that this is a unified effort. NO structures have been destroyed. The machinery is in camp clearing out and moving snow - clearing roads for easier access and clean up. Occupied structures will be identified in camp (check with security for more information). Please separate any garbage for recycling and appropriate disposal. And if you have items that can be donated please mark in bags. Blankets (B) clothes (c) sleeping bags and mats (zzz) All of which any homeless shelter or other organization could use. Trailers and trucks are currently being arranged for assistance in removal of larger items. Flyers are being distributed at bathrooms, kitchens, gathering places, also need people on the ground to share information to reduce already stressful situation. Please share and tell your friends on the ground. Also a temporary PA system will be making announcements- Paula Antoine 1/30/17 Cleanup is alive and well - Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn 5;39 1/30/17 Compilation Video - Women's Indigenous Media 1:51
1/31/17 This is an update from a Standing Rock volunteer. It's not pleasant. : Friends, I have returned from Standing Rock with my mind blown, my heart broken and my spirit troubled with foreboding of a deepening tragedy. Volunteering as a legal observer with the Water Protector Legal Collective I witnessed several confrontations between Water Protectors (WP) and law enforcement: national guard, sheriffs and private security (LE). ....On 1/18/17 - 1/19/17 I observed WP with their hands in the air chanting “hands up don’t shoot” being fired upon at a range of 10 to 15 feet. Tear gas canisters and rubber bullets ( rubber bullets are regular bullets covered in rubber) were used against unarmed WP who had been singing and praying. I observed national guard chasing WP off the Backwater bridge, firing at people running away. I heard people choking and gagging from tear gas. I saw access to the WP medic vehicles being blocked. I spoke with medics and WP who described bullets penetrating flesh and causing terrible injuries, including to one media person who nearly lost his finger when his camera was targeted. (more....) - via Gillian Green
2/1/17 The BIA and Game and Fish department were rude. They not only did not allow none members of Cannonball District in but even kept actual residents that were from Cannonball that were pro-camp from entering. What do you do when your own people are working against you? - more about BIA and meeting and keeping Standing Rock members out of closed-door meeting - Waniya Locke
2/5/17 Dave Archambault was seen driving his truck along with others in Oceti Camp today!!! Hmmmm..Have you changed your mind about the movement Dave? I feel that you have seen the light!!!! Follow your heart Dave. Support the people who look highly of you. It is not to late to come back from the darkness!!! I still and will always believe in you on what ever journey you continue on. She Bidziil
2/5/17 It would be very selfish of me to continuously tell the people that have travelled across the country to protect my children, and their children, that "You need to leave because we have to deal with the racism when you leave"... I would much rather just understand that racism was already there, this fight is much bigger than me as an individual, and thank the person for protecting my children... Anyways, that's just me.. - Chad Charlie 2/5/17 History of U.S Treatment of Indigenous People - Women's Indigenous Media 3:15
2/8/17 Today us ladies met with Alicia Custer, the grandniece of General George Armstrong Custer.My grandfather killed her grandfather. I know exactly what most are going to feel immediately. Still processing this among so many other things including the Army Corps granting DAPL easement to drill under Mni Sose. She's a mother. She brought her daughter. She's actually a supporter of us in this fight against DAPL. She's brought donations and wood to the camp. So she's helped the people keep warm through this brutal winter. She takes responsibility for her grandfather and apologized. Her family has no male births and the girls are unsica. She came for forgiveness. It struck me when she said "You're fighting for my daughter too." Its true. Just like we are fighting for MCSD's children's water, the pipeline workers water. She doesn't carry an honorable name. That name is synonymous with the death of women and children. We don't carry that burden. Our ancestors fought and died defending their families, honorably. Its their sacrifices and honor that we draw strength from. She had some good words the pipeline workers and MCSD could use. The stains on their legacy families incur for "just following orders".- Flora Ptesan Hunka (with photo)
2/12/17 - **Here is some of my medicine from my Sundance Grounds and wanna offer some words with it to all my friends and family... ***Remember Relative's ; There's a Sacred energy guiding Us , Thats why lately We've been distancing Ourselves from those that no longer serve us and /or lower's Our Vibes and tries to come between Us and Our Creator and Our Path to Greatness. - Shaunta N. Roubideaux ####LIST
2/13/17 Rumor Control - Dallas Goldtooth There is NO standoff happening at Standing Rock. Backwater bridge is NOT open. There are NO large numbers of police, DAPL security and National Guard circling the camps. Raid and mass arrest are NOT imminent. Live feeds are NOT blocked. There are NUMEROUS media outlets on the ground; independent, alternative, and mainstream. #ResistButChill There ARE over 1000 people still in the #NoDAPL resistance camps. People ARE moving out of the floodplain to camp on higher ground. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe HAS filed an injunction request with the court against DAPL. Standing Rock will file by tomorrow. (UPDATE: This was denied; SRST filed on 2/14/17 for Summary Judgement on the merits of the case) Water Protectors and allies HAVE divested over 64 MILLION dollars from DAPL, including BILLIONS by cities. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe IS asking for folks to join them in DC on March 10th, for the #NativeNationsRise March!
2/13/17 Women Are Sacred: The Anishanaabe way the way i was raised i hope that im not wrong could be the reason being singal and alone for 45 yrs. The cycle of life for the woman is the baby, girl, woman, and grandmother. These are the four directions of life. She has been given by natural laws, the ability to reproduce life. The most sacred of all things is life. Therefore, all men should treat her with dignity and respect. Never was it our way to harm her mentally or physically. Indian men were never abusers. We always treated our women with respect and understanding. So from now on: I will treat women in a sacred manner. (more...) - WhiteHorse Ducharme
2/14/17 I'm recruiting Navy and Marine veterans at Sacred Stone. The ones that roll with our Michigan Canoe Cold Water Rescue team are bad asses. Just saying. We could use some Coast Guard, Air Force and Army Veteran's know how also. (more...) - Lee Sprague
2/14/17 Being a part of Ochethi Sakowin has been the greatest experience of my life. It's been the longest, most beautiful ceremony that I've ever been a part of. I'm thankful for our medicine people, Water protectors, the ones who've shared prayers, laughter, advice, their culture, their languages, and their love with my people. I'll never forget this experience for as long as I live. (more....) Alayna Eagle Shield
2/15/16 "Everyone else has a different role. Some are in law, some are organizing and mobilizing our communities, and some are re-learning how to take care of their homes. Those are all legit moves to take to win this battle. But the reality is that there are some disrespectful ass people at camp who are not being guided properly." (more....) - Alayna Eagle Shield
2/23/17 REVISED 6pm Total number of arrests is 46. UPDATE! There were 33 people arrested today as militarized police, North Dakota National Guard and Homeland Security raided the Oceti Sakowin camp. Water protectors walked across the Cannonball River to seek refuge at the Sacred Stone Camp. Honor the Earth 2/23/17 Mitakiapi, I am a relative, a woman who was born from water, a mother who labored all three of my children in water and birthed both my sons by water. Water has healed me when I have been broken and overburdened, in a lake, a river, a pool, and in my Leksi's lodge. Oceti Sakowin was my home for five months. I went there as a lawyer to fight for the rights of water protectors. (more...) - Angela Bibens 2/23/17 I waited until after midnight to write this. Today, some exemplary medics and healers waited until every last person was out of the Oceti Sakowin camp before they narrowly escaped personal harm and arrest by the long arm of county, state and federal law enforcement. - I have never known better people. Never. They are brave and generous; they are tough but fair; they are cautious but honest. They have become my family, and I love them. - Over the last seven months, my medics, midwives, mental health professionals, MDs, herbalists, traditional healers, street medics, first responders, body workers, and other volunteers have sacrificed everything protect the protectors. I am so so thankful for them. #NoDAPL - Linda Black Elk
2/24/17 Yesterday was a continuation of the colonial behavior we have endured for more than 500 years as indigenous people. As we move forward we want the world to know we are STANDING strong. This battle is far from over, it just started. Honor The Earth 0.53 2/24/17 I waited until after midnight to write this. Today, some exemplary medics and healers waited until every last person was out of the Oceti Sakowin camp before they narrowly escaped personal harm and arrest by the long arm of county, state and federal law enforcement. I have never known better people. Never. They are brave and generous; they are tough but fair; they are cautious but honest. They have become my family, and I love them. Over the last seven months, my medics, midwives, mental health professionals, MDs, herbalists, traditional healers, street medics, first responders, body workers, and other volunteers have sacrificed everything protect the protectors. I am so so thankful for them. Linda Black Elk 2/24/17 History will be wrote about this at Oecti Sakowin and Rosebud camps event! Where will you be in this historical event? Will you be known as the ones who stood up against the oppressor and faced a giant or the ones who betrayed the people in the mist of battle? will you be remembered as the one who used this event to spread racist behaviors and beliefs though the media and press? Will you be remember as the downfall of an empire? Will you be known for coming to the parade but leaving before the battle? Will you be known for coming to act like a leader but abandoned the people when life got hard? Will your name be among those who stood up or will your family and grandchildren face the betrayal of the people in years to come? Will you be remembered as the ones who came to steal the battle leftovers like ghouls or you the ones to help the hurt and wounded? Where are in you this historic moment? Did you stand up for water or did you laid down with the sheep to kill the future of you grandchildren. How will you be viewed in history? LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard 2/24/17 Bury my heart at Standing Rock...: it will rise again! Like a phoenix, an explosion of thunder, a calm tempest. Like flowers and grains rising up in early spring, like rivers flowing after winter ice grip, like the bees humming out of hibernation diving in sun rays. Bury my heart once again, like you did 127 years ago, Bury it for the last time: it will rise again. (more...) (w art) - Alice Schuermans 2/24/17 I can't stop crying, Candi Brings Plenty - Chase IronEyes
2/25/17 Just to dispel all the propaganda that surrounds the destruction of Oceti OyateI I would like to make a few things clear. First off the camp wasn't in great danger of being flooded. Although the area had flooded in the past this isn't a regular occurrence and only happened under certain weather conditions that weren't present this year. Second the camp posed no significant risk of contaminating the Cannon Ball River and this was verified by outside experts. The main contaminants that would have threatened the river according to the state of North Dakota and the Army Corp was abandoned cars and human waste. Fortunately most cars had already been removed from the site and human waste was never present in the camp in large amounts since it was carried off site daily by sanitation workers. The main reason the camp was closed was accidently confirmed by Army Corp reps dispatched to the area days before the final raid. They stated the camp must be cleared to reestablish the Corp's ownership of it. The secondary reason for the camps closure was the threat it posed to the Dakota Access Pipeline and the fossil fuel industry’s control of the government of North Dakota. This is why the state and federal government along with the mainstream media ran a months long terror and misinformation campaign to drive water protectors from the area until barely a hundred people remained to occupy Oceti Oyate. These are the nuts and bolts of why Oceti was finally over run. It posed too great of a threat to the fossil fuel industry, it undermined the federal government’s claim to stolen treaty lands, and it simply didn't have enough water protectors left on hand to hold it anymore. - Wes Howard From 2/20/17 - to back up the post above: This NOT flooding you are seeing. Winter has just broken and this is the spring melt. It is creating a >>major<< logistical issue for the cleanup here. Instead of waiting for an opportune time an unrealistic time window had been imposed in an attempt to project a highly negative light on the movement. Given even any rational window we would screen trash down to the micro level.Terminating work in a day and a half will guarantee a lot of landfill and further grievous injury to a people that have endured so much recent and historical trauma. Native peoples and Water Protectors deserve dignity. There is no intention of just leaving the remains to pollute the river. We want to finish this in a good way and in a peaceful and prayerful manner as always. Common sense and compassion are the need. (12 photos) - Brian Sorbo
2/25/17 I am tired and still trying to process the last few days... The lack of compassion I witnessed in some of the police and national guard.. sitting alone in the bus listening to them make fun of us and step away from the van like I can't hear them... the selfies I watched some of them take with us behind them zip tied... it hurt my heart like we were the animals in some zoo...To the extreme acts of kindness. The random encouragement they would give and those that had so much compassion.. ...But that is as much as I can think on... as I hold my two year old in my arms and don't want to steer her dreams the wrong way... So I am gonna lay down and dream with my Lil breathe of the great mystery and hopefully dream beauty into our lives... Blessings love and strength in front of you and all around you... - Mashugashon Mesha Camp
2/25/17 Couldn't sleep last night. My spirit and heart are at Oceti. Hard to sleep when your physical vessel is only left with a mind. Scrolled through my newsfeed and saw people posting about going out last night, their weekend plans in the wasicu world, and having no care in the world but money, then there were our water protectors posts..... Anger. Frustration. Confusion. Contemplation. Sorrow. Hope. Love. Quite the combination of emotions. No joke. Blehichiy'ye. Take courage. Our ancestors know what has happened and they stand behind us. That's how I know it is only the beginning... I love you all. All of you warriors. Wish I could tag so much more. All I know is Standing Rock now. We're still standing baby! Hokahe! - Ta'sina sapa win
2/25/17 There are 2 sides to every story and I have learned to try to get both sides before spreading rumors and coming to a conclusion. - So I spoke to the cheif of the BIA and they say that there is still an eviction. They will not come into sacred stone tomorrow and are allowing people to leave. Even the day of the eviction they will let people leave. They said no paper work has gone through on our side to make it so the eviction isnt happening. They also said we would more than likely face problems trying to post up camp somewhere else. - Then I spoke to LaDonna. She and her lawyers say they have filed the paperwork that they need and that BIA helped them file the paperwork. We are suppose to have a few days between appeals but it doesnt seem to be that way. She also thinks its a scare tactic to get people to leave. - These are what both sides are saying. - Keep it in your mind that this fight isnt with BIA or morton county. Its with the pipeline. Dont let pressure off or they will wiggle free. We all need to choke this out from all corners of the world. Alot of fights in different nations. We need to show them we can win somewhere before we split and get thinned out. - David Demo